Vanessa Fox makes a commendable effort

Vanessa Fox, (Product manager, Google Webmaster Central) makes a commendable effort by sorting out an issue, that was silly but interesting, since it’s been ongoing for some time.

Yesterday, I had reported the broken links on the “ launch” article posted by her, at the Google Webmaster’s central blog, and suprisingly, she reacted very quickly – and the links are all in place now.

She’s also arranged(arranging) for suitable measures(.htaccess file)so that,these kind of errors are not reported again.

Here’s Vanessa’s reply -


Funny thing! The engineer who made the change to the site sits right next to me, I just forgot about those links in the blog post. I’ve fixed them now while we work on getting an .htaccess file uploaded that’ll redirect the old URLs to the new ones. Thanks for the catch!

Vanessa Fox

A very commendable effort from Google. Much appreciated!

You can also see her reply in the comments section of this post.

25th Apr 07. Posted in Blogging.

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