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    After months of blogging and 100's of regular visitors everyday, I still don't know how to change the site description (the stuff that appears under your site name when searched on google or other search engines)
    I would also want to know how to make the post description appear proper. Often I find the description of my post (in google or other search engines) includes the author name, name of picture file I uploaded just above the text. How can I fix these issues? I'm sure a lot of them have their doubts. I blog on wordpress platform, the latest version.
    • CommentTimeOct 7th 2008
    you have to use proper meta description tags for this. If you are on wordpress, try using the "All in One SEO" plugin, it should sort the issue and you can write custom meta information also.
    can you tell me how exactly I can edit my meta tags? I can find them in my theme editor, but how can I edit them or add description?
    • CommentTimeDec 12th 2008
    If you dont want to use the AllinOne SEO plugin, just go to Design>Theme editor and header.php From there you have the option to manually edit the meta tags. They are within the < head > tags. If you use AllinOne SEo, it's more automated, and you dont have to edit codes.