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    • CommentTimeMay 27th 2008 edited
    1. If a blog say X, links back to blog Y very often in the posts. Does it affect in SEO of both X & Y? Consider the cases-
    a. Pagerank of X < Y
    b. PR X > Y

    2. Let say another blog say is setup as subdomain of X i.e. = Does it affects the SEO of Z & X anyway.
    In case if Z is not working well & if it has been marked as SPAM or has a very low PR, does it affect the overall PR of X?

    • CommentTimeMay 31st 2008
    1. If PR X<Y, Y may lose some google juice if excess links are present. For normal linking it's pretty fine.
    If PR X>Y, Y will get benefited with some google juice and it will get a higher PR next update.

    2. Subdomains were once considered more SEO friendly than pages, but now they are as good as any other page. So it does not affect the SEO generaly (Anything particular, I'd need more details to answer.)

    Yes if the subdomain is flagged, it does affect the main website.