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I just spotted some strange looking Google AdSense ads on the blog today.
Here’s the screenshot, and here’s the full screen.
I use the large rectangle ads (336×280 pixels) beneathe each post. Today instead of the large rectangle I spotted two square ads or similar. There were four ads and they appeared well positioned with enough space padding in the larget rectangle space.
I couldn’t find the new formats listed at the official ad-formats page nor did I see any official notifications.
This may be a new trial run from AdSense unless if I’ve not missed any latest news from Google.
Anyway the ad looks like two small squares appearing in the large rectangle ads I’m using.
Hi Mani
I too noticed these today. I wanted to centre my google code and I thought I had messed up google when I saw the block of two up and two down so I removed the centering code.
I realise now that this was not my doing after all!
Philip Voice’s last blog post..Has the HTA reached the wrong conclusion?
That’s odd. I noticed navigation arrows beneath a large rectangle on one of my sites earlier today. I guess they’re testing out new formats/features.
Josh Spaulding’s last blog post..Does Your Site and/or Blog Need a Sitemap?
Looks like Google is experimenting with the 250X250 space? As in the traditional button ads?
Mohan’s last blog post..Knol… from Google. Art thou game?
Google is at it again with their changes. It’s funny how they NEVER talk to the members first.
Mike Huang’s last blog post..Return Of The FaveMe Up Trainstation - Rambling
@Mike: They have now got this superiority complex…they seem to be doing all kinds of changes and testing to adsense…probably the adsense team needed some work…’s last blog post..Picasa ajaxified for iphone and mobiles
Mani Karthik Replied:
Im guessing this could be a one - off issue. Got to keep a close eye on things.
Hi Mani. I think you blog is really cool. Thanks for your tips. You have hooked me to your site.:)
Diya’s last blog post..Half-Sari
Mani Karthik Replied:
Glad you liked it Diya. You are in good company.
To be honest even I think it is a one off issue… even if it isn’t I am at a loss to know how it might affect the performance of the ad spot … I doubt if it will have a major impact on CTRs.. hopefully am wrong..
maneesh’s last blog post..The Idea of Your Website as a High Performance Business
Well I didnt notice this one, but saw the ajax version of changing the ads.
Nirmal’s last blog post..MS Outlook Tip: Update your Contacts with LinkedIn Toolbar
Yes… I too noticed the change in one of my blog. Hope Google will get succeed in its new ad format…
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