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Ever had problems finding what your blogs ranks are on the search engines for particular keywords?
Like for instance, if you wanted to check where your blog ranked on Google for the keyword “make money online”, it would be a big task since the keyword itself is very competitive and if you are not problogger or shoemoney, you are probably in the 167th page or worse. So it’s not quite possible to track where your blog is ranking by searching through the Google results right?
Here is a nice tool that will take care of it. Rank Checker is a plugin for firefox that will take care of this task.
All that you have to do is , install the plugin, restart firefox and given in a keyword + URL combination into the plugin page.
Like for instance if you are finding out where the blog “” is ranking for “wordpress seo blog” then give in these two criteria into the “domain” and “keyword” fields respectively and click go. First you add the combination to the queue and then on clicking the “start” button the engine searches for the results.
You’ll be able to get the search engine rank result for Google, Yahoo and Live (MSN). There is an option to give multiple keywords and also export the results to a CSV file, enabling you to open it in your spreadsheets. Pretty cool eh? However, one minute problem I faced is that it gave me no option to resize he window, it stretched all the way horizontally and wasn’t really maneuverable.
Install the Firefox plugin here.
nice find mani…
Techblissonline Dot Com’s last blog post..Track or monitor real time price trends on Amazon products with firefox plugins
Interesting tool. There is also an online tool at that helps you check page rank with Google, Yahoo and MSN. The good thing about this tool is that is mirror what people actually see in the browser. I find this an unusual attribute of these rank checking tools – I think because they work different ‘developer only’ api at the backend.
Anyway, is pretty cool. You can setup projects to test your keyword/searchengine/URL combinations every day or two – and it will graph the results.
Some nice tools,i am a blogger and this info has helped me.THANKS…BOOKMARKED!!!.
Thanks Mani
Nice plugins for firefox