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So it all happened like this.
Heard someone is making lot of money blogging. Impressed.
So, checked out a few blogs. John Chow, Amit Agarwal, Shoemoney….all of them. (Ahha, these dudes are writing basically s***t. I could write better than them.)
However, can’t ignore the fact that they are making money. Shoemoney can’t be lying to the whole world with that cheque image!
Checks out the blog, the contents and a few posts. Hmm impressive!
But now, what’s the big deal? I can do what Amit is doing. I can write better than John Chow.
Searches for free blogging platforms. Okay Blogger seems to be cool and with the Google support, let me not look further.
Starts up with a brand new blog. Selects a damn good template.
Writes the first post. Sends out email to friends and guys on IM.
All of them say – “Wow! You have a blog? Cool.”
Tries out posting another post. Sends out email to friends. Same reaction.
Repeats the above last point quite a few times, there is no difference apart from the fact that some of the guys on IM have started to avoid you by not responding.
No traffic. No attention. Demotivated.
Now, this my friend, is a typical bloggers story who sets out to conquer the world in 1 or 2 days. He sadly ends up in despair getting no attention to his blog because he hadn’t done the homework and hadn’t adopted a process.
A strategy and a process is essential in getting you to your target. Haste, shortcuts and smart work will only help you in the short time and will take you away from your target.
As I see it, a major problem with all the budding bloggers is that they are reluctant to adapt to a process or a strategy. This is a fatal mistake.
Dreaming big is cool. But to get there, you need to take calculated risks and adopt a strategy.
John Chows’ strategy is to show himself as a wicked guy. He is comfortable doing that probably. But he is successful in branding him as a smart, clever wicked guy (in the right meaning) who mints money doing clever tricks and short cuts. He probably knew that a large part of the internet actually will identify themselves to it.
Since the guy came in at a later stage to blogging, when there was already Brian Clarks and Darren Rowses reigning as probloggers, John was right in branding him as the clever guy in the bunch.
The point here is that John himself had a strategy. He probably knew that he’s going to be penalized by Google once he asks everyone to link to him. But he went boldly advertising the competition getting the maximum backlinks. But on the other side he also made sure that he’s getting a lot of attention as the clever marketeer.
Had John thrown an image of an angry guy or a pissed off guy to Google, he wouldn’t have had the fan following as much as he enjoys now.
So essentially, the point is - we all need to device a strategy unique to us. That will helpn us brand ourself as a unique blog, as a unique service, as a unique product as such. And work towards it with a set time frame in mind. Popularity and fame does not come in a days time, it takes more time and effort, but once it’s come to you, it’ll stick around.
Coming back to the article. Why aren’t you getting the attention that you needed ?
It’s because you haven’t created
- a unique blog,
- unique content
- and doesn’t have a brand of it’s own.
It takes time to achieve all the three. There are exceptions when some blogs have excelled well in either one of the categories, but I’d suggest that you use all the three points in positioning yourself as a blogger and over the period of time, people will find the value in you and give you the attention that you deserve.
Like someone once said – “Attention is gifted not bought.”
(Okay, I cooked that up)
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Another thing that i notice is the sheer volume of blogs that all seem to target each other. I think bloggers need to expand their thinking and focus on smaller niche markets.
I think I could not thank you more Mani. I went to your last year’s post on tricks of successful bloggers, thought I got a good starting point but here I am on your homepage. I am sure, that drafting a strategy is very important and I think more than that execution would count as implementing the strategy might take time. Although, I think that consistency and dedication will definitely help in making a decent name in blogging. Wish me luck!
I think the best way to gain attention is through “digging”.
You make a controversial post and then digg it!
Err..Didcha mean John Chow or John Cow?
yes in today’s Scenario you should have something interesting to offer to users so that they can come again & again
I just have to stay motivated to get through the “not making money” phase. I find that staying motivated will help in your success more than anything.
Mani Karthik Replied:
I completely agree mark.
Wow man.. amazing blog you got. Was interesting meeting up with you at the BCB.
It’s because you haven’t created
- a unique blog,
- unique content
- and doesn’t have a brand of it’s own.
added to this is…. the site shouldn’t be made for AdSense..it should be made for the end users.
Users should be your first goal, search for a topic that people would love and the one which you are good at. Don’t jump into Technology as there Millions of Blog and Sites.. no one would bother.. but even in Tech.. you can shape a niche for you.. it depends on your expertise!
If you think.. you got it.. go for it!
Mani Karthik Replied:
Completely agree Vinay.