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Before reading this article, you might have to check this article here by Rand, where he is suggesting 10 questions to the search engines.
I had replied to it over here with two more questions from my side to Google and here is Matt’s reply to my questions.
Well, basically I was trying to ask Google about sitelinks. I wanted to know from Google as to whether they would give us more control over the sitelinks as many of the links appearing there are not relevant.
We had a discussion on DailySEOblog over sitelinks over here once. Where we had discussed on how to control sitelinks using Google webmasters tool.
Okay now to the problem.
In the SEO Moz thread, I asked Google if they would give us more control over sitelinks. What I intended was that, we needed authority on the Google webmasters tool, which enables us to decide what links appear and doesn’t appear. The “and” is important here.
As of now, you can use Google webmasters to “block” any link that has already appeared on the sitelinks. But the main problem is that the sitelinks appear “automatically”. If there is a wrong link (Ex: – Title of your about page and link to an article page), then there’s nothing much you can do about it other than to block it and wait for another replacement.
For example, in this image -
bingo … mani! lets start a campagin
Very thought provoking article Mani. I fully agree that we should be able to decide as to what links should apperar. And hope that Google will eventually listen to webmasters. My feeling is they will. Here’s why –
First they introduces rel attribute for bloggers, then gave webmasters the option to block sitelinks. That means they do care !
Just an afterthought Mani. I was reading the previous post about sitelinks. You mentioned that one of the criteria for sitelinks to appear is search friendliness. The exact quote was “Another criteria believed to be taken into consideration for a page to be included in the sitelinks is the measure of it’s search engine friendliness”. Does search engine friendly is not all about navigation, design and content ? The second line “It can be measured as the number of times the particular article was “searched and clicked on” through the search engines” is more clear.
From another perspective, I think that Google is trying to show the visitors the popluar pages in the website.
In a sense this is better for visitors because they get to know about the popluar pages in the website.
So in essense what google does is better for the visitors rather than webmasters who want to showcase their website in Google like they showcase it in some directory with all the details THEY decide to show.
Mani Karthik Replied:
That is true Niyaz, Google seem to be picking up the most traffic gnerating pages. The problem occurs when the pages are wrong and the links are wrong. I’ve had experience where one of my sitelinks had the title of a page but was linking to another article. Clearly, the google bot needs to make sure that it’s algorithm is error free or else sitelinks will do more harm to the site than good.
Sitelinks is a service by Google, so I guess they have the right to decide that…
Having said that, I do agree with your point of view but IMO Google will never let webmasters choose that.
@Nish, sitelinks is not a service.
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I think Google should send the webmaster an email before displaying a Stielink. That way the webmasters can choose not to display invalid links.
Did google do any follow up after this article..?
Only A-listed guys like you can help the not-listed-anywhere guys. So start a