Filed Under (Blogging, Tools) by Mani Karthik on 12-11-2008

This is for all the AdSense wiz kids over there with/without an arsenal of AdSense optimized blogs, minting money by minutes through the niche blogs.

If you are too much into AdSense and will do everything possible to increase your  AdSense revenue, here is a nice tool I found the other day, that will definitely help.

AdSenseLog is a windows based AdSense monitoring tool developed by MetalGrass software for webmasters running their websites largely or entirely on AdSense.

Now, out of all the known methods known to increase revenue with AdSense, one factor many of us leave out is monitoring and analysis of AdSense data. In fact, the top AdSense users agree that their efforts to improve their adsense revenue doesn’t end with a simple plug and play of the adsense units. The best AdSense performers use the data very effectively. They introduce channels for each ad placement according to position, page, units etc and this in fact, helps get a clear picture of which ads are performing well over the others and most importantly which are the ads that are not performing well.

Basically, the effectiveness of AdSense ads lies in the webmasters knowledge about, which ad units perform well and which ones don’t.

I mean how many times have we just put in a rectangle Ad unit on top and another square at the bottom, just because the gurus said they were great performers and waited for the click rush to happen? I did it many times myself.

Many people told me that square ads perform well…so place it at the top….468X60 ads don’t do get rid of them…fin I did it..but honestly, that has not helped me much.

The AdSense gurus probably were right in their own aspects but these ideas may not work for another guy in another niche and with a completely different layout.

In these scenarios, I think that it’s a custom agenda that works.

Every webmaster should -

  • Understand his audience well
  • Understand their frame of mind, whether they are information seekers or fans
  • Understand their click potential
  • Understand what content works best for ads and the audience

Essentially, a custom review and monitoring of each blog is required in order to perform well. And this can be accomplished by -

  • Analyzing your reports critically
  • Testing ad units performance based on content and pages
  • Analyzing channel data to the best
  • Monitoring clicks and page view ratios
  • Tracking the ad positions and relating it to “clickability” quotient

The AdSenseLog tool, does this job really well. It monitors, analyzes and studies the data more deeply and elaborately than the AdSense tool itself. It is also capable of giving you visual representation of your performace by clicks, page views, ad units and as many metrics as you suggest.

Here are a few screenshots.

increase-adsense-revenueAdSense Reports showing summary for the day

increase-adsense-revenue1AdSense reports showing Impressions/Click/Revenue ratios 

increase-adsense-revenue3 Some of the features I really like in this software is it’s flexibility. It can show a lot more complex ratios and co relations between channels, pages and data and then give you visual representation of these.


It’s a very humble software with lot of possibilities. It has helped me get a better grasp of the AdSense data, which sometimes makes no sense from the AdSense dashboard.

Good thing is that AdSenseLog is available free for a 30 day trial. It can be downloaded from here. AdSenseLog costs 69.95$, but is free (with ads), if your monthly earnings are below 100$.

And for DSB readers, Ron from MetalGrass softwares have agreed to give away one free license to that one lucky user.

If you want to get a FREE copy, just download the software for free, try it for 30 days and let me know on the comments if you would like to have a free license. We’ll pick the winner with a random name picker like this one.

Download AdSenseLog here.

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  1. Seems very useful and if it really helps to increase the money i make with adsense i will buy it. Have to try first of all.

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    Mani KarthikNo Gravatar Replied:

    It’s quite useful to me.

    [Reply to this comment]

  2. I think it’s good for knowing the statistics.

    [Reply to this comment]

  3. $ 69 ? I might grab it if it delivers what it promises.

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  4. An awesome program if I ever decide to give adsense another chance.

    [Reply to this comment]

  5. I think its really worth making use of Adsense to complement any payment terms. It should not sleep while your website badly need it.

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    Mani KarthikNo Gravatar Replied:

    Yep, indeed. There’s quite some earning potential through AdSense, especially for upcoming blogs. But their effectiveness is all about tuning up the loose ends and getting them optimized. This tool helps you do just that.

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  6. Great article, thanks for the advice will definitely look at it for my next project.

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