I don’t know if its a SEO thing but I just love finding, tracing and checking backlinks of interesting websites. Just like that ! How refreshing and exciting it is to find the backlinks via Yahoo site explorer ,Google and all the other backlink tools right ? Every time a new backlink pops up, its like a new flower blooming ! Sweet.
Back to reality. :-p
There’s a new SEO tool in town. Nothing new here but a reliable one with no ad clutter.
This backlink tool will fetch all your site backlinks with the following details.
Homepage Page Rank, Links count, Nofollow or not, and Anchor text.
It also tells you if the backlink is healthy or not with colors.(scroll to the page bottom)
Pretty impressive that its free at the moment.
Not sure if there is a limit to the backlink number, but at the moment they are showing up all the links in pages of 100 links each. Neatly presented, very well done tool.
Hope it remains functional unlike many SEO tools which fail to work gradually. Its called Link Checker V 2.0 beta. Check it out here.
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i tried the new SEO tool as you mentioned, but seem like it requre register for using that tool.
pls assist me on this.
cool. this backlink works on my pc. i receive alot more of the links provide from external and also the foreign country website.
Cool tool! It shows some really nice metrics…
I tried using it with the nofollow checkbox ticked. It was reporting 404. I tested it on FF and Opera, results were same.
I got the list of backlinks when no options were ticked though. But thats not the the point of having a back-link checker, is it?
They have a long way to go I guess, or maybe as they say me dreamhost server might be slow to respond
Great tool Mani, thanks.
It’s really detailed, but the one thing I miss is the graph that you can get on the Marketleap backlink tool. It really helps visualise how well you’re doing!
I used this SEO tool, but it’s very slow, there are some more good tools better than this
The tool wasn’t working for me too, though I could get the count of the backlinks. I would personally still prefer Yahoo! site explorer and the search options in the various search engines for this purpose
I tried this but I’m much more comfortable with backlink watch.
Thanks for sharing this tool.Even though it did not work for many,fortunately worked for me.
Thanks for this post. need check the tool.
Its too Slow
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karthik…I tried using this tool but its not working properly for me… Plz do check it and let me know..Thanx.
Mani Karthik Replied:
It works fine for me. Could be a browser incompatibility issue.
Arun Basil Lal Replied:
Which browser do you use? I am on FF 3.0 and it didnot work
I was using google two products one was keyword tool and another one was checking backlinks through google…now they both are really worst to use at..so i have now changed for keyword to http://www.serpanalytics.com/tools/top_keywords
and i think for backlinks this one is good..
Thanks for the tool anyways.
‘white horse likes red apples’