If you are the kind who blindly follows anyone who follows you on Twitter, or the kind who’s looking to make more friends on Twitter, this piece of news is for you.
I believe that Twitter is more about whom and what you communicate, the numbers are mere stats and just fall into place if you’re doing the right thing. Not that I don’t see any value in numbers, but quite often follower number alone doesn’t make any sense, but how effectively you communicate with your followers does. I could be re-tweets or replies or conversations, either way effective communication on Twitter is crucial.
For this, I’ve found that following people who’re likely to identify with you and your communication style is the best way out. This way the noise to signal ratio is minimized.
Now, Dan Zarrella (the Hubspot guy) has come out with a great tool that will do just this. The tool is called TweetPsych and what it does is really interesting. Instead of find you people in random, it analyzes your profile and suggests you other Twitter users who possibly behaves like you on Twitter.
The profile analyzer itself is an interesting tool. Check out what it does.
Get more folowers on Twitter with similar interests as you – Daily … http://tinyurl.com/ms7s4d
socialhelp: Get more folowers on Twitter with similar interests as you – Daily … http://tinyurl.com/ms7s4d
Hi there,
This is something that I’m definately looking for when it comes to twitter. To follow and be followed by like minded twitters.
Eddie Gear