Spam has always been a villain for bloggers and it has taken newer forms, deviced newer methods of attack these days. And the only way to control spam is to update our anti-spam softwares and plugins, and keep evolving up to and beyond them. Understanding the importance of fighting spam, Google webmasters have posted some tips that webmasters could follow in order to fight spam on their sites/blogs.
Some of them include, using clever CAPTCHAs, monitoring your server logs and banning IPs, no following and no indexing profile pages and using Google alerts.
The post deals with all these measures in detail, check it out here. Fighting spam 2.0, they call it !
Spam is internet enemy #1, and I think ii is a battle that can never truly be won. The only way to make it less attractive is to come down hard on spammers. I personally would love to send a stiff reply to all the Viagra vendors spamming me!
Google’s post is a must read! Thanks for sharing as many bloggers are suffring from this daily SPAM!