First off, its quite natural to have a slow down in traffic. We bloggers watch the traffic like hawks I know, but isn’t it very unrealistic to have your traffic always go uphill ? The real growth is always reflected by a wave in your traffic graph. And waves always have ups and downs, which is why they are called a wave in the first place.
So, apart from panicking, what are the other things that you can do to overcome the slowdown ?
The social media is a great tool to give you not only traffic, but motivation during a slow down. Get an active social media user friend of yours (or yourself) to tweet/share a few stories from your blog that are popular. There’s nothing wrong in trying to get some extra traffic to your archives using the social media. Make sure your friend don’t spam but do it wisely.
Sometimes, even if you write great articles, the use if incorrect titles will hinder the post from getting popular on the search engines for the keywords they are supposed to rank for. Check for such posts and rework on their titles, making them SEO friendly ones. Believe me they work.
Clearly, you need a traffic booster at this point of time and what’s better than the social media ? Study the popular articles by other blogs from your niche and try to do something as close to as what they’re doing, if you fail to get original ideas. Social Media friendly content is sure shot success and it can definitely give you some attention if not huge.
There would be a lot of posts in your archives that you thought were super hits but aren’t. Dig them up, find what’s wrong and try to calibrate them online with the SEO tools you have. They may have gone down in the SERPs because of newer competition. Find it out and re-work on the content to beat your competition. These posts should get some “movement” after the edits. Something is better than nothing !
Finally, do a study on your posting frequency, see if there were fluctuations recently. Mostly, traffic slowdown can be attributed to lack of new content. So plan ahead to increase your posting frequency, and get ready with some new posts in your drafts. If you have been writing lengthy articles, try writing shorter articles but more in number.Publish them over the weekend.
So there you go. Five super simple alternative strategies to create that buzz and get going during a traffic slowdown. Hope it helped.
5 Alternative Strategies to boost your blog’s traffic during a …
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Lack of posts is one of the things that make me put less priority on visiting blogs. If the pattern establishes itself one automatically checks in less regularly, but stepping up posting frequency definitely increases the frequency of visits from this visitor!
5 Alternative Strategies to boost your blog’s traffic during a slowdown