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    • CommentTime4 days ago edited
    This forum is a common platform for all those who'd like to learn and discuss about SEO (For free yeah!). The threads may range across basic SEO to advanced Online Marketing Strategies, but primarily this is a discussion room and not a support platform. So, if you have any sort of simple doubts that you think discussing with a community will sort, you are at the right place.

    If you want one on one consultation and guaranteed support, you'll have to hire me.

    Some guidelines for users since there is no police around here.

    - When asking questions, give all the details, like URL, stats etc so that people who can't read mind will benefit and save time.

    - Be courteous please, everyone likes gentlemen.

    - Try to help each other by sharing information, many a times, we don't talk, and that's a big problem.

    - Everyone will appreciate you if you'll give it back. They are as busy as you.

    - I have a set of clients (some gentlemen who pay me and let me live) to take care of so please don't get annoyed if I'm not around.

    - Please don't give out wrong information, if you are unsure of something, just let us know.

    - And then all the other general rules of a forum apply here too.

    Remember, there's no police around !