Creating search engine friendly titles for blog posts

You read it right - also, the google bot.

Choosing the right title for your posts is one of the most crucial factors that will decide your search engine ranks and traffic.

To illustrate - you write an review on the latest movie around.Say Dhoom2. Now would you feel good if all those who are searching on google about dhoom2 come to your website? Well, if that's the point, then be cautious when you title your article.

Most of us get carried away when titling articles, that we end up creating a funny,hilarious or sometimes a rude one. That sure catches your viewers attention but...does it does the same with the google bot?If not, then you got to sacrifice some creativity and strike a balance between what i would call "robot language" and humans.

In the above example, you could very make a title like - "The flop of the season" and easily get your readers interested.But, i would rather prefer it - "Dhoom2 Review - The flop of the season".

The difference - I've pulled in few keywords to the title. "Dhoom2 and Review". This will ensure that your post will be featured on the search results for Dhoom2 (which incidentally is the most searched keyword on google india last season).

You could very well argue that - "Since i have included Dhoom2 keyword in my post body - what difference does it make?"

Well, quite a big difference - when your blog is read by google bots, they give more importance to the blog title and the permalink. And hope you already know that Permalink is mostly(unless you have a different option set) the title words itself.In the above case, the permalink would be - ...yourblog/date-or-whatever/dhoom2-review-the-flop etc ...therefore when the keyword id already present in the permalink - you are safe and ready to searched.

So the point i'm trying to make is that, placing a keyword in the title is more important than placing it in the post body.

(Some public secrets)
  1. If you forget to give a title to one of your posts and accidentally publishes it, then in blogger, it takes the first few words of the article as the title head.
  2. Also in blogger, the first few(guess 15) words are only taken and the rest is omitted.
  3. The permalink is the first heading you give to the post ,later if you change the heading , it will be shown up, but the link would be the first heading itself.
So next time you create a title/heading, make sure that you put the keywords first(as the chances of them getting ignored if you put them at the end are higher) and strike a balance between - Robot language and Human senses.

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