Importance of footer text in SEO

Read further only if you are serious about SEO.
Have yo got a footer text on your blog? Most of you do.

What's a footer text?

The small code of text you see below your blog template.
Well, it isn't always small text. That was the old times. These days, we have wordpress templates that have large footers.

You thought this is just an "out of the box" thinking eh? Not really.
In SEO, footer text carries some importance.As much as the link density on that page.If you have read my earlier post on what's a best SEO friendly layout, then you might have noticed what i said there.
- Make sure that the last and the first thing a crawler sees is the most important thing to you.
So the first thing a crawler see is your header image/links/about you url? Well, I've also talked about how to keep things in place and without re-arranging how to get crawlers crawl the best portion of your page.

So, let's talk more about footers and how they will help you rank high?

Footers are of two types(as of now.)
1 - The traditional small text footers(like you see here) mostly with the copyright text and a few email links etc.
2 - The bigger,evident web2.0 style footer text with category links and content.

If you have the first type of footer - nothing wrong.In fact it's easier to tweak to a crawler and get our stuff done.But if you have the second type of footer(web 2.0 style), then you have an advantage - you attract the crawlers as well as human visitors - the golden rule of SEO!

Be it first or second type, what you should be bothered about are the following things.
- Is your keyword present in your footer text?
- Is there a link with your keyword?
- Is there the right keyword density within your footer text?
- Is it clear and evident to your human visitors?
- Does it look spammy?

Now you'd have got an idea on what's important in a footer and what's not.
In the footer text - please avoid special characters and unwanted content.Like the copyright notice.Instead, please add more relevant content.A footer text is as imporant as your body text content.

So i would not recommend a footer text like this - " Copyright - 2007, Your Address, and your Signature damn it!"

Instead i would recommend this - ", Your keyword or your blog description with your keyword with a link to one of those most important pages in the blog."

So you get the idea.If possible, keep the category links at the footer, this will help the crawler know what the stuff is on your page.This s because, crawlers give more or same importance to the footer text(or what they see last on the code) than the content on the page.

Now it explains why a web2.0 styled large footer is preferred to a traditional style copyright statement right? But if you have one panic not. Just change it to a well drafted statement embedding your targetted keywords and links or categories even.

So much for an evil tip on How to rank high on search engines. :D


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Write a testimonial - get linked

I receive emails from readers(though not regularly) once in awhile, appreciating the content on this blog and how it helped them.

Most of the times it's about how an article educated them on an SEO topic which sounded jargon prior to reading the post. I'm extremely happy to read these readers comments. Because, the purpose of this blog is to make aware the average blogger what SEO is and how simple it can be even without the technical knowledge.

So, I've decided to give an opportunity to all my readers to let me know what they think of the blog. If you have something to say, please shoot a mail to mani(a), in the form of a testimonial, and i shall feature it on the right hand panel with a link to your blog as well.

I've put together a testimonial by Ankesh Kothari(the guy who suggested the Buy me a Beer plugin for John Chow) today.If you can write a better one, let me know. ;)


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Ultimate 50 youtube spoof collection

Youtube spooofs are just super cool! Spoofs have a special ability to make us laugh our ass out. I enjoy watching the spoofs than the originals most of the time.After all spoofs are supposed to be spoofs. They are worth collecting because you may want to show it off to your buddies as well. Okay enough babbering - here's the stuff i collected.
(Image courtesy - NY Times)

The ultimate youtube spoof collection of all time (updated regularly!)
    Political Spoofs
  1. AlGore's penguin army
  2. Hillary Clinton Sopranos campaign
  3. Hillary Clinton Sopranos part 2
  4. George W Bush takes on USA
  5. Political campaign commercial spoof
  6. Election Day 2006 spoof
  7. Tony Blair spoof
  8. BBC Spoof
  9. George W Bush spoof
  10. James Adomian does a George Bush spoof
  11. Osama bin Laden Interview
  12. Bin Laden Suicide Kit
    Movie/Music Spoofs
  13. Titanic sequel Spoof
  14. MTV Spiderman 2002 Spoof
  15. The Grudge
  16. Paris Hilton - Stars R Blind spoof
  17. Kung Fu Movie spoof
  18. Scary Movie 1 - Different Ending
  19. MTV Cribs - Michael Jackson
  20. Mad TV on Michael Jackson
  21. Michael Jackson v/s Justin Timberlake spoof
  22. Britney Spears spoof
  23. Britney Spears Part 2
  24. Madonna v/s Britney Spears
  25. The Matrix
  26. Matrix Spoof 2
  27. The Fake Trix(on Matrix)
  28. The Matrix Alive part 1
  29. Matrix Spoof- Agent Smith
  30. Pirates of the Caribbean
  31. Pirates 2 - End of jack Sparrow
  32. Pirates - Cereal Commercial
  33. Pirates of the Caribbean - Final Entry
  34. David Blaine Spoof
  35. Dan Michael - David Blaine
  36. Chris Angels v/s David Blaine Spoof
  37. Hulk Hogan Spoof
  38. WWE Instructional Video
  39. Michael Jackson in Bollywood
  40. Harry Potter Funny Spoof
  41. X-Men Spoof
  42. Gasolina - Daddy Yankee Spoof
  43. Eminem listens to Kim Mathers
  44. South Park - Eminem Spoof
  45. Real Slim Shady Crazy
    Technological Spoofs
  46. Steve Jobs - Keynote Spoof
  47. Bill Gates v/s Steve Jobs
  48. Apple on Vista spoof
  49. Mac Spoof
  50. Microsoft surface spoof


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Haloscan comments on the same post page

Haloscan is a commenting tool available to make your commenting requirements easy. This tool is particularly helpful for blogger/blogspot users since the commenting feature on blogger is not that very manageable. Haloscan offers editing and deleting option for comments while blogger doesn't. I've been using haloscan commenting on my blog for quite some time. But steve( suggested that i would get more comments had i installed the comments form on the same page.But this is not possible with the haloscan tool. It will open the comments on a pop up window(as you might have already seen).
Now i researched on how to get haloscan comments to be embedded n the same page but in vain.Although i cam across these posts on how to implement haloscan on post page, but again there were glitches. Also, thanks for opinions from jackbook.
I've now deviced a workaround for implementing haloscan comments on the very same post page. The pop up window that shows the commenting form is now available on the post page.

Here's how i did it.Use this code where you want the commenting form to appear.

(script src="" type="text/javascript")(/script)
(span class="post-comment-link")
(script src="<$BlogItemTitle$>/?m=1" type="text/javascript")(/script)

Now, replace the "youraccountname" with your account id on haloscan(your login id).And replace all the braces with arrow brackets(<>)

Let me know if this works.


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Check for your blogs bad neighborhood

Bad Neighborhood - in SEO means a bad site that you are linking to. If google finds that you are linking to a bad site(link farm,spam sites etc), then google can penalize you and drop your page rank. Many a times, this happens as one doesn't analyze completely the sites he is linking to.As a result google drops the page rank and it comes as a shock!
Here's a cool online tool that will enable you to check for any bad neighborhood links on your site.

It may show some annoying results though, like for instance it shows my blog as "blog spam" as there are too many out going links. But this is OK as it's normal for forums and blogs.

It's a good tool if you just need to analyze a huge number of links and decide what to keep and what not. Check it out!


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Online image editing - Photoshop like

I think i came across this tool very late. It was launched in 2006. But this post at Blogoscoped introduced me to this amazing online tool which is an almost online photoshop, image editing program.Yea, true it is - since its launch in Nov, 2006, the fauxto team has been introducing features like in the Adobe Photoshop like working with layers, brushes etc and the latest one zoom.You can upload images online from your local machine or give in an url.
This tool would come in handy when you are on a picnic and needs access to photoshop - goto and you have your own photoshop online.

Hmm yeah i know I'm talking too much about it. But hey - it's really cool!


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How to build a sitemap for blogger and large websites?

Today, let's see more about sitemaps. Every webmaster must have a sitemap ready for his site and submit it to google in order to get all the pages listed on Google.Sitemaps are of two types, as you know the HTML sitemap you use to navigate a site and second the sitemap used to help crawlers crawl the pages more effectively.

Why are they necessary?

Sitemaps are not necessary.(Yep i said that) Even if you don't have sitemaps the crawlers will crawl your pages and find the content. But, it is like letting them crawl in a dark room. What if you had a well lit room with all navigation and helpers around which will take them to each room? It will be more effective right? Sitemaps serve this purpose.

It has the site structure ready giving indication to the crawlers as to which are the folders/files that are important, which are not, which are the folders/files that are to be visited frequently, and which are the ones to be visited only once. This helps the crawlers to undersand your site more effectively.

Now, how to build a sitemap for blogger?

It's very simple in Blogger. It only requires you to go to the Google Webmaster Central and ass your site feed and the sitemap is automatically created. You can get detail instruction on this here.Make sure that you submit your full feed and not partial one.

Which is the best sitemap generator program around?
There are lot of free online and downloadable sitemap generators.
Here's a simplified listing of what is best.

1- Python Scipt - This is the most difficult one to install. But if you are familiar with python, then this is the best one around.It's automated and requires no additional support.I don't recommend it for a beginner.Requires technical knowledge.

2 - Online sitemaps - This is best for small websites. It's easy, simple and online.Just go to this site and submit your url.Fill in some basic details like time and priority settings for the files and click go!The whole sitemap will be generated online.You will get both ROR file and the Google sitemap XML file.If you are interested only in Google, use the XML sitemap.The format is according to Google sitemap protocol and is faultless.
Best choice for beginners and small websites of less than 500 pages.

3 - Gsite Crawler - This is a downloadable application. If your website is a bit large and you have time to tweak some settings and is serious about sitemap, then i would recommend this guy for you.
It requires you to give the website url, then select the types of files to be scanned from it, priority settings are automatically detected, and you can create bot Google sitemap and Yahoo url.
It has report generation as well that will give you an idea of how many urls were crawled and broken links etc.This is very useful while handling large sites.

How to make sitemap for large sites?

If you have really large websites for instance a one million page one, then it's really going to be tough creating a sitemap. Practically this is possible with the Python script but if you are not okay with the technical stuff then you got to depend on sitemap generator programs.(If you don't have a really large website the follwing piece of information may not help you.)

Step 1 - Download a free sitemap generator program like Gsite crawler.
Step 2 - Use it to crawl each folder of your website as separate projects.Make sure that you create a new database each time a new project is opened.
Step 3 - Now you have separate sitemaps for each folder.
Ex:- has a sitemap called folder1.xml and has a sitemap called folder2.xml
Step 4 - Download this simple index generator program.
Step 5 - Copy paste all the folders (containing the sitemaps) from thh projects folder of Gsite crawler(C:program files...) and put it into one single folder.
Step 6 - Run the index generator program against this parent folder.
Step 7 - Now a sitemap index would be created with links to all the child sitemaps but one problem, since in Gsite Crawlers projects folder(C:Program Files) each crawled folder will be named with underscore replacing the forward slash.
Ex:- will be named as yourdomain.com_folder
Therefore the sitemap index produced will have the links too this way.
Step 8 - Use notepad/wordpad to open the sitemap index file. Find and replace all the underscores with forward slash.
Step 9 - Upload the child sitemaps in the respective folders online.
Ex: - etc.
Step 10 - Upload the sitemap index file to the root folder and submit it to google.

Bingo! There you go you have now created a sitemap index and child sitemaps for a large website. Now submit it trough the webmaster central window and keep waiting!


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Did you switch to safari from IE yet?

Now the Safari 3.0 (with patch) is released and it's been a week barely, I was wondering if the Safari has really made people switch or not?Firefox seems to be favorite of techno-savvy people like you and me but for an average user, IE still remains the best browser.Atleast, they can't think of a reason why they should shift to another browser?To them,
Browser=That little blue "e".
Are Safari's "killer features" enough to convince an average user(who forms the major chunk of internet users) to switch from IE to Safari?

- Quickness
- Stretchable text areas
- Jumpback
- Security

To me they sound very lame reasons. Not convincing at all .BSN thinks the same.
Frankly, if you ask me why i downloaded Safari, is out of pure curiosity.And i had it cleared after the first use.I don't use it anymore, but have not uninstalled from the system because I'd like to flash it in front of my colleagues!

I dunno about you guys,but this is my story.


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New blogging software - beta testers wanted

There's a new blogging software in town - It's Blogonize!

If may want to try it, just PM this guy in this thread on DP forums and he'll pass on the login details to you.

From my experience it's a fresh new platform, and very promising. Though it says there are lot of additional features in it, i couldn't find many. Many features were similar to the wordpress ones.
I liked the red cherry logo though.Very 2.0!

Well, try it if you want your hands on a fresh new software. ;)

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SEO practices to avoid

Optimizing your blog/site can be frustrating sometimes(most of the times), because you get the results very late. But i don't think this is an excuse for you to jump to black hat seo and lame SEO "trials".

It's surprising to see that even many authoritative websites have not implemented the basic SEO factors in place. This may not be intentional, but you see as an SEO, it pains to see something like this.(screenshot).
Just randomly searching i found these websites with their title real estate misused with a very general terms "welcome to".

I'd been happy if all of these sites were personal homepages of a teenager boy or some. But unfortunately many of these are high authority websites(which is why they are on the top results!).

I strongly disagree with using lame terms such as
"Welcome to my webapge/home page" or "{{{{{Welcome to the webpage}}}}}"
I have nothing against the terms but, realizing that the title tag is a real estate for rich and optimal(not spam please..) keyword usage, this is simply stupid!


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Importance of Allinanchor text

Let's see some in depth link analysis today.
You are aware that the number of links to a particular website is very important in deciding it's SERPS position. But how important and what are the metrics that measure it?

Well, the links command on Google(link:website) will give you the number of inbound links to a particular website. The more the number the better the rank - right?

For example, searching for will give the total number of websites that link to as i call them.

Now let's dig a bit more into it.According to Google, Quality links matter the most when counting inbound links. You might have read this in their official documents.
Hey what's with quality links? All of the links to my site are quality ones - aren't they? After all only I'd know how i managed to collect them.

Well, a small clarification there. By quality links google means a lot of things.Yea a lot.
Here are a few meanings of "Quality Links".
- Links from old domains, the older, the better.
- Links from primary domains, .coms and not .infos(spam spam spam)
- Links from high PR site with authority.
- Links from .gov and .edu sites
- Links with the correct anchor text.

Today, I'm gonna explain about the last one. Anchor Text.

An anchor text is the text used to link to a site. (That's why John Chow insists you to link him with the text - "Make money online" evil?)

And Google thinks that links that suggests the correct anchor text, weighs more to your credit.
Suppose you have 10 sites that link to you with the anchor text "here", and 5 sites that link to you with your anchor text "make money online" and suppose your competitor has 10 sites linking to it with the anchor text "make money online" while 5 others link with the anchor text "here", then it is likely that your competitor will rank you high for the search keyword "make money online".

So it's high time that you asked all your friends linked to you to change their anchor text to your keyword, rather than "check this out" and "here" links.

The Allinanchor command (allinanchor:keyword) will give you the number of websites that uses the particular keyword to link on their webpages. Here's a video tutorial by Gareth Davies on the importance of Allinanchor text.


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5 Must have SEO plugins for Firefox

Okay, I take for granted that you are a Firefox fan. Here are some must have Search Engine Optimization related plugins for Firefox that will help you get high rankings by beating your competition. Hope you are aware that in Search Engine Optimization - finding what your competitor is doing for SEO is what you need to know more than what you are doing in order to rank higher than them. Keeping this in mind, I've listed out the following Firefox plugins for SEO.
  1. Keyword Generator is an extension that allows you to see what keywords are strong on visited web page. Than, you can retrieve them for social sharing (tag filling) or webmastering/SEO.
    KGen retrieves every words of a page and lets you know how many time they appears on her and their weight in the page (a word in the title of a page has a stronger weight than a word in a paragraph). This is very useful when you need to know what your competitors are doing and what keywords they are using on their pages.
  2. a4SEO - This wonderful SEO extension provides you the technical information required to beat your competitor websites in serps.It gives you backlinks number, indexed pages, keyword occurences on the page, page rank, all in anchor, all in title and all in text rank for both domain and webpage information.
  3. SeoQuake - This extension will help you find the SEo stats like number of backlinks, page rank, number of pages indexed etc right in the Google search results, right beneath each website results.
  4. SEO for Firefox - This is the coolest one. it is Aron Wall's ace plugin for Firefox where all the SEO data is available right in the Google search results page. Very consistent and reliable tool.
  5. SEO Hand - The add-on is used as an extension for the site It activates when the working area of the site in the location bar is viewed. The area gives the user opportunity to identify Google ranking for the sites. A decent one if you ask me.


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Google does not own page rank

Jonathan does a bit of patent research and look what he found!

The Page Rank technology(or algorithm whatever) is not owned by Google but Stanford University!
It is patented to Stanford byPatent No 6,285,999.

He writes that though Larry Page co-authored the patent for the algorithm, it does not belong to Google. I think this is a remarkable piece of information. Kudos to Jonathan.

He says -
Quite interesting to me that Google would base their entire search market on a key element that they do not actually own themselves. It may have been conformed into their own patent, but the original idea behind it belongs to Stanford. Bearing in mind that Larry Page did co-author the patent, it still does not belong to Google.


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Blogger in Draft is here

I'm writing this post using blogger in Draft an experimental feature of blogger, where you can access some cool new features that Google plans to implement on Blogger.

What's new now?
  • A video uploader that let's you upload a video from your local machine to Google Videos.
  • A blue logo
Probably, the team is adding more features to test soon, but as of now, this is it.

Here's the official blog where you can get more updated details on Blogger Draft.

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Convert Firefox to Safari in 3 steps

Okay, everybody is complaining about the new Safari for windows. We have to wait until the full patched version of Safari gets out. Meanwhile, here are a few things you can do with your Firefox browser to make it look like Safari.

  1. iSafari theme for Firefox - This is a cute safari like theme for Firefox, that will mask your favorite firefox in Safari skin. So much for the wait. Safari theme for Firefox
  2. Jumpback feature of safari on Firefox - Safari has this cool feature called Jumpback where you can follow as many links to pages from a search result, and when you want to jump back to where you started, just click the small jumpback icon on the url bar.
    With this little addon, you can incorporate the same feature on Firefox.
  3. Progress bar on URL bar - Another feature about Safari is that the progress bar is combined with the url bar. With this little plugin you can create the same effect on Firefox.
That's it. The above three steps will help you convert your firefox browser to sleek Safari. There may be a few glitches though. It should keep you busy until the all new patched version of Safari is released.


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Not a good Safari, Steve!

I was thrilled to download and install the new Safari Browser for windows today.

As proclaimed it is the fastest and the safest browser around. It is said to be 1.6 faster than firefox and 2 times faster than IE.
True that may be, it handles javascript and image loading pretty quicker than FF or IE.
Safari handles page elements pretty quicker making the user feel a faster browsing experience.
Honestly, being a firefox user, i could not find the functionalities and "power browsing" experience with Safari though the user friendliness is great - just like a Mac.

I admit that any FF user will not find the sudden change seamless, but let me list out what i found awkward.

  • It misses the status bar.
    Instead, the page load status is shown in the url bar itself. But i could not find any link previews there, not anywhere else either. Disappointing! So i have to click a link blindly to see where it will take me. That is not a good security feature. Is it?
  • Font smoothing.
    With the default font smoothing option turned on, i could not stand all those bold items they were simply blaring out! Tried to turn the smoothing down to "lite" but still it would blare out. Probably that's the Mac standard bold lok, but i don't think any FF/IE user can stand it. It seems like Four times the normal strong attribute to the font.
  • When you maximize the browser, it over rides the previous run application on windows. In FF or IE hitting F11 enables you a full screen preview, here maximizing the application itself puts you on a full screen view(the footer is still there, unless it's on auto-hide).
I think this is deliberately done, so that all windows users get a taste of Mac OS, and hopefully it may get popular among them.

Now the killer thing - Safari crashed twice in 14 minutes during my browsing experience - both times when i was using the Google Reader. Booohoooo!!

But i really liked the minimalistic view and the popout message animation. For every message, a slip juts out from the title bar - it's the classic Mac thing anyway!

On the whole, the safari browser did not meet my expectation. So thumbs down. but hey, it came out with a prima bail remember? It's the beta version. Okay, Steve, I'll wait for the full version.


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Send money online easy using Skype

Sending money online has now become easier.
Skype has launched it's new version today which will make sending money online via paypal easy as cakewalk.

This feature is integrated into the new Skype program and is only a matter of few clicks before your money get delivered to your friend.

The new skype have pulled in some spice to it's new features too.
It says,
# Capture yourself with video snapshot and create an instant profile picture for all to see. You could even win a prize.
# Invite friends from MSN Hotmail, Gmail and Yahoo! Mail and call even more people for free.

You can download the latest version of Skype here


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Speed Links for the week


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Quick reminder - reviews

Quick reminder - The review competition will end on June 15th. Rush in your entries on on before June 15th to get the free premium domain.

Details on how to review etc here

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Where to find free images for your blog posts?

I know that title would bring a frown on your face!

- It's all over the internet Mani, what are Google images for?

Well, well i know i know! Let me explain.

In India, this is not a popular concept, but elsewhere it is. I'm talking about stock photography and royalty free images.
In the US, UK and rest of the world (excluding some countries like china,India etc) images can be used only with the photographer's agreement.
Be it on online, editorial or any other use. There are stock photo agencies that buy the pictures from photographers and provide online stores for users to buy them.
As you buy the images, the photographers are given a percentage of the sale.
There are many affordable online stock photography agencies like that offer you images from as low as US $1.

But this is of no interest to us unless you want to spent a few bucks for every image on your posts. What we are interested is free royalty free images to use on every blog posts.Before we go into the sources to get free royalty free images, let's see how this topic affect us bloggers?

Okay,so if you are in India or China or such countries where the licensed use of images, are not popular, you can manage to get free images from Google or Live image search.Fine.But what about others? Do you find images from google or ask for permission from the photographer/agency?

I think it's fair to be asking the photographer permission to use it on your blog. you can very well reciprocate the favour by linking back to his site through a credit line.
Many a times, this results in email exchange delays and other bottle necks -hell you don't post the article because you haven't recieved the permission yet.

There is huge potential for stock photo agencies here - if there is a stock photo agency that will provide us bloggers with images from as low as US $1(squeeze it down even), then considering we have around 15.5 million blogs, imagine the revenue that could be generated from image use on blogs?

Darren says that he normally gets images sent to him by companies so finding images for new products is not a problem for him.I'm assuming that might be the case with Gizmodo or Techcrunch. But what about the rest of blogosphere?

Well, luckily we have a few options here -

1 - Stock Exchange.
These guys offer free royalty free images for any use. They have a pretty impressive collection of images as well. Good enough for a amateurs but not professionals.They have many smudged and brushed images also, so you may want to keep away from them but select the best ones.
They don't want you to link back for credit or anything of that sort but from the number of backlinks they've got it's clear that anyone who uses their image will link back to them.

2 - Morgue file.
The morguefile contains photographs freely contributed by many artists to be used in creative projects by visitors to the site. To acknowledge the artist's accomplishments, we ask that you credit the photographer when possible. They have an impressive collection of images too.

3 - Indexstock
These guys have an impressive collection of images across many categories. they may not be hi-reosultion ones but fit enough to use on blogs.They are one of my personal favourites.

4 - Free large photos
This is a free images site that provides great collection of places and people photography. You have to link them back in order to use the image in your blog.

So, you have all these resources where from you can collect images of good quality for blogging purpose.The advantage you have over using Google images is that you know exactly whether the photographer/website need be credited or not and that you get good quality images.

And it is a good habit to credit the site where from you have used the image so that they know that you appreciate it. Also, asking the photographer as to whether you can use the image on your blog is also a good idea, and when it get's frustrating you have all these free resources to try.
Images courtesy

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Blogcamp Pune

There's news for you, Indian bloggers. The new blogcamp is here! This time @Pune.

BlogCampPune is a free unconference focusing exclusively on blogging, organized by bloggers for bloggers. It‘s built upon the principles of the famous BarCamp (ad-hoc unconference) focussed on sharing, learning and new ideas. This is going to be an intense event with discussions, demos and interaction between attendees. Any blogger who wants to contribute is welcome and invited to join. In the spirit of BarCamp, if you attend, be prepared to present something (even if it's just 10

See the official page for details
You can add your name at the Wiki if you are attending.

If you would like to endorse this camp, use one of this badges on your blog.


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What are supplemental results? Do they affect you?

You might have come across this topic on various other tech/seo blogs, but what prompted me to write this article is that - they all seem too techie to me, so i'm guessing it's not reached all the bloggers yet. And this is my attempt to reach all the non-techie bloggers on what are Google supplemental results and how they are affecting an ordinary blogger..

By ordinary bloggers(no offense please) i mean passionate bloggers, who wouldn't want to tweak the HTML code for search engine optimization but who doesn't want to get into trouble as well due to any ignorance on SEO.

So, what are the Google Supplemental results?

When you search for a term(keyword) on google, you get results from many websites on the same topic/term.Right?
Suppose, there is a website called It has information on "cats" as well as "dogs". So when you search for cats, the pages on the site with information on cats are shown on the results page. but when you search for dogs the site does not come up at all.

Or simpler yet - Google sometimes think that some of the pages on your website(here cats) is not as important as other pages(dogs) on the same website. They are seen with different weightage and pages with less or no importance are kept in a separate "folder" called supplemental results - which will not be shown on the google's results page at all.

So in the above example, if there are two pages cats.html and dogs.html on the same website, dogs.html will not be considered at all to be

shown when some one is searching for "dogs" on google, while cats.html will be shown for searches on "cats".

So two types of pages on a site - 1) Normal Index and 2) Supplemental index. Get the idea?

Now, if you want to see how many pages on your site are in the supplemental results category, just use this query at the google search. *** -view (note that there is blank space before and after those three stars)
Every search result that appears on the results page now has this green tag on it which says - supplemental results.
Now you have an idea on what pages in your site will not be considered to be shown on the google search results.

Now, there's nothing to panic. Having supplemental results on google is but natural. For example, if you check with the above query on how many pages are supplementary on google, you will be surprised. Search for *** -view

What causes supplementary pages on your blog?

1 - Google thinks there is duplicate content on your blog.
It needn't be true but if Google thinks that some of the pages in your site are having the same content, they may place them in the supplemental results.

2 - Short posts or posts with less content.
If you have posts that are very short, it is likely that google cannot make out the real content of the page, and when you have several short posts, then it is more likely that they are labelled as supplementary pages, because google simply doesn't know what your pages content is.

3 - Template generated pages.
This is applicable to websites that generate many pages using the same template and very less change in content among thm.Since the same template is used, the content will be repeated on every single page.

4 - Non usage of meta tags.
If you haven't used meta tags properly on your blog, bots will have trouble detecting their content from the body alone, so they may push those pages to the supplemental index.

5 - Poor linking structure.
This may be the most significant point out of all.
If you have a chunk of template generated pages or some pages that you didn't care to link since you posted them, may be ignored due to the fact that they are redundant and have not been linked(external and internal). For this reason, google thinks these pages are less important and pushes them to supplemental index.

6 - Inequal distribution of PR.
Another important one. As i have said in another post, internal linking is very important because, you don't want your valuable content to be ignore just because you don't promote them yourself. It is quite natural that the wonderful piece of information you wrote in your early blogging days had not been read by anyone, so it's your responsibility to link to it in one of your new posts, so that people read it.
This also distributes your blogs page rank in an equal fashion to all the posts, new and old. If you miss to do this, certain pages would have higher PR and some less PR.
Since google sees a pages importance on the basis of PR, make sure that none of your pages is deprived of Page Rank.

So those six points shows us that yes - supplemental pages are quite natural and any site can get it(even google).

Let's see how we can get out of this, or stay away from getting supplemental index on your blog.

1 - Practice good internal linking.
Make sure even your oldest post is linked once in another post, and read by users.Maintain a column of best posts from your archives on the sidebar for quick access.

2 - Get quality inbound links to your blog from other sites.
This is the most repeated statement on the blogosphere these days - Write quality content rich articles and gain incoming links. Well, nobody says how patience is required for this and nobody can guarantee you anything. But hey, it is an important point.

3 - Categories
When you post articles, make sure that you don't tag them into more than one category. If you do this way, it creates duplicate entry in each category and the chances of those pages landing in the supplemental index is high.

4 - Don't encourage duplicate content
When you post an article, make sure that it's not a repetition of what you had posted earlier. If it is, make the necessary changes in it's text content so that it seems different from the old article. May be add more of a different keyword in it.

So, that brings us to the end of this article - What is supplemental index, why does it happen and how can you get of it or stay away from it. I hope this was a easy to understand article and not as techie as many other articles on it is. So check today, if you have any supplemental index pages on your blog, and pull your socks up to fight them out.

References - Matt Cutts Search Engine guide Google groups Seobook


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5 bloggers that influenced me the most

I would be lying if i said - I'm a self styled professional blogger.

I must admit that I get influenced by other bloggers just like you.
Sometimes it's the writing style, sometimes the blog template, or simply the footer text.I copy them, try to modify the idea and implement in this blog.Sometimes it works sometimes otherwise.
Many a times, you forget to thank others for how they've helped you - unknowingly though.

Here's the list of those blogs and bloggers who have inspired me in one way or the other.This is all honest opinions so there may be both black and white shades - hope all of you will enjoy it.

1. Amit Agarwal of Labnol
Undoubtedly one of the most influential bloggers in India.

Reasons why he makes me go wow!
- The money he makes through the blog
- He manages to blog regularly with 4-6 per day
- He finds tweaks that others haven't
- He managed to get interviewed by CNN IBN
- He still runs a blogger account
- His posts make every one think - "Damn, i could've thought of it earlier - I can do this too!"

What i copied most - His idea of posting regularly on tweaks and software reviews.

2. Darren Rowse of Problogger
King of blogging - the man that he is.

- His writing style (and that green t shirt)
- How he manages to blow up a simple topic into a 8 parts post
- Traffic
- That he managed to get into blogging earlier than me
- His link love to bloggers, i think he's someone who values content more than your template

What i copied most - His easy to read and friendly writing style.

3. John Chow
I tried my best to ignore this guy honestly. But...

- Traffic
- How he self promotes him beautifully as the evil guy around
- His awkward dress sense
- Figures he posts in the month end

What i copied most - The IM Google ads he ran on problogger. (I copied the same thing on Labnol)

4. Matt Cutts

I wouldv'e ignored him had he not been a Google employee.

- Knowledge about the algorithm
- White hat SEO tips and his interaction with bloggers
- Cheap April fool tricks

What i copied most - His Template

5. Qucikonlinetips
Must admit his efforts in keyword research and wide coverage of topics. Sometimes i feel it's an MFA, but hey he's on the SERPS top results for almost all high-paying keywords.

- Topics to blog about
- The idea of tips and tricks
- The fact that the guy is anonymous and is an Indian

Yeah, I know what your'e thinking - these are all famous guys, what's the catch? Well, i have a whole list of less popular blogger's who have inspired me with seemingly silly ideas. but there is no way i can go ahead with them without mentioning these big guys. So the next batch would be those "Z-List bloggers" as you call it. Watch out, your blog may be there too.. ;)


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You are referred from Stumbleupon

Hey, Thanks for visiting this blog through Stumbleupon.
I'd appreciate if you'd click the "I like it"(Thumbs up image) button on the toolbar.

How did i guess that you visited this blog through stumble upon?

Simple - 90% and more of my visitors these days(from the last stumble on June 1) are from Stumble upon. So i assumed you are a referral !

So, I'm sacrificing my rest 10% readers (feed readers and direct)with this post?


It is more likely that out of the 10 visitors on this site, 8-9 are through Stumble upon -
Just like you!!!

And the best way to convert a stumble upon visitor to your loyal visitor is to get his attention on the first visit - just i like i did with this post! :D

Meanwhile, this is a search engine optimization, blogging related blog written by Mani Karthik, an SEO from India.

See my SEO related posts here.

Once again Thanks very much for visiting - don't forget to click the green thumbs up button on the tools bar!!

(Sshh..Meanwhile, you can write a similar post on your blog too to attract stumble upon visitors. What say?)



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Buy me beer plugin for blogger - workaround

Recently Ankesh Kothari developed a plugin which John Chow implemented to his blog and became an instant hit. (The man have promoted some cool ideas earlier too). It's the "Buy me a beer" plugin I'm talking about. It helps visitors on your blog to donate money through paypal - to buy a beer for John Chow(or you).

This is an interesting plugin since it gives you a valid yet simple reason to donate money to the blog owner and i more persuading than a "Donate me money" button.See Ankesh's thoughts on it here.

Unfortunately Ankesh developed this plugin for Wordpress users only. But blogger platform user's like me would really want to use this plugin -but how?
Here's what i found - a workaround to implement the same to your blogger platform.

Here's how to

1- You should have a paypal account.
2 - Login to your paypal account
3 - Goto Merchant Tools
4 - Under "Key Features" click "Buy Now Buttons"
5 - Enter the details by filling in the forum
6 - As you enter please copy down the details to a notepad
7 - Copy down this link below
8 - In the above code, replace with your paypal login email id.
9 - Also, replace "Your+servicename+separatedby+plus+signs" with the service name you entered while filling in the form(the first detail you entered)

Make sure the service name is separated with plus signs. Ex:- If you entered "Buy me a beer", then it should be "Buy+me+a+beer"

Implementing the link in blogger template.
Goto your template and paste this link wherever you want, i.e between posts or on the sidebar.;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amount=
That's it - it should work if all everything is allright.

Thanks to Ankesh, there is a small correction in the above procedure.

In Step 4, instead of "Buy Now" click on "Donations" and in the details fill up form, Under "Security Settings" select the "No" button and this will generate you a HTML link which can be used to link link text. Select any text(that you want to prompt readers to donate you money) on your blog template and link them using the ahref command to this link.


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Optimize your blog for Google - 5 sure shot tweaks

Not getting traffic even after writing good content on your blog?
It may be because you have not optimized your blog for google. If you didn't know, optimizing a blog is different from optimizing a normal website.The best part is that it's easier.

Before reading further, please refer these articles.

Here are a couple of sure-shot search engine optimization tips that will help you optimize your blog for Google and help you get traffic thereby. Implement these tips today and i can assure you that your statistics will improve in a few days.

1- Change your title urls/permalinks

Is your blog generating dynamic numbered template headings? Like "" ?

Big mistake - you should change this to ""

If you are using wordpress you can simply change this from the publish settings.On blogger, you don't have to worry much as by default the pages generated are titled based on your title usage. In this case you have to be careful with your title.How to write titles that attract traffic?

This is because search engines can understand what your content is based on your url/permalinks. So a url that is generated out of the title makes more sense than a randomly generated numbered page.

2- Change your layout

This may be a little complicated to understand for those who are not familiar with web-design. But let me put it the simple way. Make sure that you have a template that meet the following criteria.

- In your source code, make sure that there is less junk(CSS and HTML) and more of content.
- In your basic template structure, the links(categories or links to your best posts etc) are the first thing that bots will crawl.Example, in a three column template,if your links are included on the left hand side, wen can ensure that bots crawl them first and them move on to the body.Check out this post LINK where I've clearly stated on how to select a perfect SEO friendly template for your blog.

3 - Footer.

Bots remember the first and last things they see on your site to a certain level of importance. Like for instance,the footer. Suppose you have a footer that says - copyright - Change it to "copyright - - SEO tips and Tutorials", this way bots will remember the SEO tips and tutorials keyowrd they read on your blog.Make sure you don't spam your footer though - with more number of keywords.

4 - Image ALT tags.

In free blogging patforms like blogger or wordpress, unfortunately image ALT tags are not used by default. Make sure that in every image you upload(on every article or even the bullet images on the template), you use the keywords as ALT tags make sure you don't spam it again, but optimum usage is recommended.

5 - Interlinking your posts.

Extremely important point.This is a pain taking process honestly. Because you got to dig out your old posts, get their urls, remember them ah! Pain in the arse! But let me tell you, it's a good habit to maintain a spreadsheet with all your old and present urls to posts updated, so that you can hand pick them any time.Using this, post links to your old posts within posts. This will ensure that none of your pages are brushed beneath the carpet but are equally given importance and the Google juice will equally fill them.

These 5 tweaks will ensure you that none of the articles, that you wrote with much pain, is left un-noticed but helps you get more traffic on the engines.


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What is Search Engine Optimization

An email from Anna Milkovich almost made my heart skip a beat. It was a one line email and it asked - What is search engine optimization really?

It was the most simple question one could ask me on SEO, but ironically nobody have asked me this question yet on email.I must appreciate Anna to have taken the pain in writing to me asking this question.

In fact, what hit me was - i assumed that everyone knew what SEO is, and nobody would be asking such a simple question to me. But hey - somebody have asked me and here I am trifled!

So, this piece of information is for Anna.It's basic Search engine optimization stuff, so regular readers may find this boring.

Search Engine Optimization is a practice or a set of procedures done by website owners to get more traffic to their site from search engines.

In layman's language, all that stuff done to get more people to visit your website and thereby get money from it.

There are different ways and procedures to get this done. There are the bad methods and the good methods. The good methods are the ones that are advised by Google and the other prominent search engines, while they do not want you to do the bad methods(known as Black Hat Search Engine Optimization).

In SEO, many of the procedures are advised by Google as they bring traffic to any website on the internet than any other search engine.Many webmasters like to follow the SEO measures advocated by them.So don't be amazed to see people talking about only Google when talking about SEO.

According to the Wikipedia,
Search engine optimization (SEO), a subset of search engine marketing, is the process of improving the volume and quality of traffic to a web site from search engines via "natural" ("organic" or "algorithmic") search results.
The idea of SEO is based on the fact that - Many people use the search engines to find information on the internet. And when they use a search engine, they rely on the top most results that appear on the search engine page. Therefore what every Search Engine Optimization guru, tries to do is get their website in the top results for a particular search item.And for a single website, when they have optimized their pages so as to appear on the top results for all the search terms they are interested in - he is likely to be successful.

For example,if you see this blog. We are on the top results for the search term(called keyword) - "Iphone themes". So whenever someone searches for iphone themes on google using the keyword - iphone themes- this blog would come up in the top 5 and the user is likely to visit it.

That's the whole idea. Now, getting your blog to come up in the top results isn't simple.It involves lot of thinking and idea implementation.If you will go through this blog's archives you will see many useful pieces of tips regarding how you can successsfully use search engine optimization techniques to make your blog come up on the top pages of search engines.

Some of them are -

Keyword research
Keyword density
Title tag usage
Meta tags and a whole lot.

I normally refer a few blogs to my readers such as - Michael Gray's SEO blog, SEO round table, SEOmoz and the like. They are indeed great resources on search engine optimization. you may also want to read Matt Cutt's (who's a Google employee) blog where he posts his thoughts on search engine optimization.


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