Write a testimonial - get linked

I receive emails from readers(though not regularly) once in awhile, appreciating the content on this blog and how it helped them.

Most of the times it's about how an article educated them on an SEO topic which sounded jargon prior to reading the post. I'm extremely happy to read these readers comments. Because, the purpose of this blog is to make aware the average blogger what SEO is and how simple it can be even without the technical knowledge.

So, I've decided to give an opportunity to all my readers to let me know what they think of the blog. If you have something to say, please shoot a mail to mani(a)dailydoseofinternet.com, in the form of a testimonial, and i shall feature it on the right hand panel with a link to your blog as well.

I've put together a testimonial by Ankesh Kothari(the guy who suggested the Buy me a Beer plugin for John Chow) today.If you can write a better one, let me know. ;)


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