Hope you are aware that getting .edu and .gov incoming links to your blog can be the best thing that you can do in the SEO front, to upgrade your blog/site to the next level. Having said that, .edu and .gov links are hard to get as they are in most cases authority websites focussed on information or governmental policies and may not be likely to sell you links or donate one.

Now you have two ways left.

1. Write comments on these blogs.

There are blogs hosted on .edu domains, majority of them owned by students and alumnis of the respective school/university. In order to get incoming links from them simply go on commenting.
Wait, that’s easily said. There many not be topics of interest to you, and you may end up being a spammer. So find relevant topics that my interest you and write only genuine comments.
Some blogs may require you to register with the official email id (of the university) so you strike out chances of commenting on these blogs. :(

2. Get a .edu blog of yours.

Sounds crazy right? But true. Adison.edu is giving .edu blogs to anyone who will contribute US $35 per month to it on subscription.

So if you can spent US $35 you get a blog of your’s, which can be used to link to your blogs and site. And may be if you are a clever marketer, you can even go ahead selling links and make some money as well. If you manage to make US$ 35 per month, you break even on your investment !!

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  1. Great tutorial digged :)

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  2. Good post. What about giving me a link? :D

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  3. Hmmm…I wonder if such a list could be prepared. I guess would need to surf around the web and check out the EDU blogs.

    Vikram Kinkar’s last blog post..A Guide to BackUp Your WordPress Blog

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  4. Yes Vikram, there are quite a few that offer “No noffolow” comments. ;)

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  5. your post are great, i learn a lot, thanks!

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  6. this is the best advice I learn today - commenting on .edu blogs.

    Something to ponder about..

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  7. Nice advice, never thought of it that way…

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  8. This is the first time i am reading a topic related in marketing a website with a .edu domain. You perspective is quite insightful which made me think about following this innovative strategy


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  9. ty very much for your information i will contact .org users

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  10. After I read your post I decided to code a neat little script that will help people find .edu blogs a lot easier! I hope you don’t mind me plugging it in for your visitors! The link is http://www.seopositions.net/edu-blog-finder.html Thanks and great post!

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