
Old question, Isn’t it ?

Page Rank is still a mystery, (well,it better be that way..) and the recent hype and hoopla have created an aura around the magic green bar.

Come whatever, but the same old questions keep on repeating.

Does number of outgoing links affect page rank? Does the content on your site affect page rank? And we have today’s topic - Does age affect page rank?

When we talk about age, is it the age of domain or the age of the content? Or is it the age of the incoming links?

Well, "everything", would be my answer. Let’s see in detail.

Age of domain

- According to Google’s metrics, domain names that are registered for a longer period of time are supposed to be more authoritative. So, if you are looking for getting Google’s appreciation, register domains for a longer period, say 5 years or so, and that would give you an edge over others.

But what we are interested here is the age of the domain at the time of page rank assessment. If you are on blogspot, this doesn’t affect you as Google will take into consideration the Blogspot domain name. So this point is of interest only to the self hosted, domain name holders.

Google do take into consideration the domain age, when deciding the page rank of your site. So what’s the catch? The older the site, the better the rank.

Does only age of the site determine page rank?

No. Of course, there are the other factors like site content, inbound links etc. But age of domain does plays an important role.

So if you want to sell a web site of your’s probably you can market it because of it’s age factor.

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  1. Its a fact that age of site affects pagerank. Some idiots with loads of money buy old domains for high prices just to get the authority factor .. One example is which is part of the ibn group

    Varun’s last blog post..Top 10 Reasons why biking is dangerous in Chennai

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    Mani KarthikNo Gravatar Replied:

    I think they are smart Varun.

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  2. thnx for the info, exactly what i was searching for

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