Filed Under (Search Engine Optimization) by Mani Karthik on 10-03-2008

How important do you think are the page titles on your blog ?

There is a new school of thought in SEO who thinks that they are not important as they were once. And there are people who are not keen on placing their prodcut name or sitename on the title.

I beg to differ. I insist that the sitename/product name/service has to be present on the page title.

Now, the argument from the other side is that, you are being spammy when you put in the blog name or the product name on your page title. Well, actually it is spammy if you want it to be. Otherwise it’s not.

I say spamming is something like this.

“SEO India, Indian SEO, SEO from India, BEst SEO in India, The SEO consultant India”

While, anything along the lines of “Visit Vishnu’s SEO blog - SEO consulting service, India” is perfectly normal.

The idea is like this. If you had an offline business, wouldn’t you put a board outside, so that passers by can know what business you are running from the first look at it?
You’d also place a tag line/name on the board that describes your business in minimum words like - “Vishnu’s Grocery Store”.

Here again, by the title tag we mean to provide maximum information to Google about what you are, what’s your name and what have you got to offer to people passing by so that the interested can come in.

So essentially, title tags and page titles should not be spammy but should take care of the basic intentions of it.

- Let people know what you are selling/what your blog is all about.
- Give them a name or brand to associate with.
- Give them an idea about what they can expect or how will they benefit.

Having said that, it’s easy to compile certain keywords and make it look spammy by repeating them more than once. Please avoid it, try to make it as minimal as possible with the maximum information being displayed.

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  1. This is a very interesting write-up. I’ve never thought of it that way but I can see your point and agree to some extent.

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  2. Site titles and keywords are extremely important. This is a good post!

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  3. [...] to create unique and accurate page titles (Also @ DSB here, here, and [...]