Filed Under (SEO Tips) by Mani Karthik on 06-02-2007

Google has included a new tool on the webmaster’s central dock - an incoming links checker.
Yes there was the age old technique of using the link:yoursite.com command on Google to find the incoming links - but this has lot of polishing done before the results are presented to you.

While in the webmaster central dock, all the links are shown that points to your domain/blog.
Google’s explanation about the link checker is -

This table provides a list of pages on http://dailydose4me.blogspot.com/ that have links pointing to them from other internal pages. Click the number in the Internal links column to see a sample list of links to the page.

So the table would show all the pages in your blog by default ranking them in order - the page with most number of links on the top coming down to the page with least links down.

So, your blog url is more likely to be shown on the top. And the internal links to this url is supposed to be the number of inbound links to your blog. To compare the “link:yoursite” feature on Google and the webmaster’s tool - i did a search for incoming links using both tools.

The “link:yoursite” feature on google gave me 73 inbound links while the Webmaster’s tool gave me 231 links.

So, next time when you are feeling down when there are no incoming links coming to your blog, take a look at the webmaster’s tool and it’s more likely that you feel motivated.

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