

What’s cool.

  1. Being Santa.
    Everyone’s got the red cap these days. Pimping up your profile with the Christmas spirit is “in”.
  2. Publishing news on Twitter.
    Not all the news, but tweets that pass some value to readers are cool. Like breaking news and alerts.
  3. Twitter profile backgrounds.
    This one’s the rage these days. Getting a cool profile bg is so nice. There are pros who do it as well.

What’s un-cool.

  1. Digg mafia.
    Digging stuff with the usual mafia is so nasty now Digg has come up with it’s latest banned listings where some popular names are in. Sad !
  2. Not being Santa.
    Come on, if you haven’t done it already do it now.
  3. Yawning on Twitter.
    Turns out that Twitter is not about letting the world know what you are doing now. It’s become more sophisticated, so if you are yawning or tweeting a “in loo” kinda message, you’ll probably be branded a “wannabe”.

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  1. Mani,

    The hat-trick really is cool man, I found the hat first on your profile pic. I copied that hat to my blog logo.

    And I think you also have started using the wow-plugin.
    After reading this post I thought, why didnt I think of this before..
    Merry Xmas cheers

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    Mani KarthikNo Gravatar Replied:

    Yea, the cap trick seems to work. Glad you liked it.

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