I haven’t come across anything like this earlier. Searching Google for how tall “Nate Robinson” is gave me these result.

Nate-Robinson Google picksup the data from Wikipedia and displays it right on the search result page. Not sure if this would appear for other similar searches. But I’m guessing this is due to the “volcanic trend” in Google search on this particular term yesterday.

One more pointer to prove that social media and general search traffic trends do affect the SERPs.

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  1. Quite interesting research. It is a calculator, dictionary and now an answering machine! Lol

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  2. Very cool. It works for the height, weight and age but you have to put in ‘tall or height’. It doesn’t work for ’short’. Similarly you have to put down ‘how old is’ doesn’t work with ‘what is the age’. Maybe they will ‘fix’ it, maybe they won’t. But it is still very cool.

    Tried IQ, Income, etc but it’s not giving this sort of result

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