Filed Under (News) by Mani Karthik on 13-02-2009

A discussion platform for webmasters and Google employees alike, that’s what the Google Search Masters event is going to be. Hosted by Google India, at their Bengaluru office, webmasters can get to meet the the best brains from Google India.

The Google SearchMasters Conference 2009 is a place where you will find answers to all your webmaster queries – says the official site.

google-searchmasters-india I’m hoping the event will be the best communication medium between the Google Analytics team and webmasters. Some known names are in too-  Adam Lasnik, Koti Ivaturi, Rajat Mukherjee, Ankit Gupta, Dinesh Jain, Deepak Kumar and the rest of the Google Webmaster central team.

There are sessions on - Google Analytics and Website Optimizer, Building Mobile Friendly Websites, Webmaster Central and Best Practices and the very interesting coffee breaks.

The event is scheduled on 28th of Feb at Google’s Bengaluru office.

As I’m told, this is an invitation based event, however the details are posted on the Search Masters official site.

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  1. Thanks for the lead, Mani.

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  2. Hey Mani, did you get an invitation ? I got one from Google yesterday and registered for the event.. hope to see you there…

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