
If you thought that Google found your website around the dates that you launched it, there is a good chance that you wrong. Google finds a page/website through links, and that’s when they’ll set your “birth date” as. So if you were checking your competitors domain name age, ouch…time to recheck!

How to find out your birthdate on Google?

Try this search (with your domain of course) and find out when Google indexed you. You can see it on the left hand side of the search.

Now try the same with your competition or competing keywords. Do you see a pattern?
Yes, the top ranking ones were found first.

So, who said Google is dumb and can’t fix duplicate content.

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Filed Under (SEO Quicktips) by Mani Karthik on 21-07-2008

Here’s another of the "Quick SEO Tips" series. Ten things to keep in mind while posting images on blogs.

Include the keyword in your image name.

Ex:- Instead of "DSC1234.jpg" it’s better to name it as "Make-money-online.jpg"

Never use characters/spaces in filenames as they will be encoded. Ex: - Instead of "DSC%20123cat.jpg" it’s better to name it "DSC-123cat.jpg"

Use the ALT tags

ALT tags are recommended, though their usage is debated. Let’s put it this way. It may not give you a good push in the SERPS, but definitely, you don’t want to lose an opportunity.

Use the "Title" attributes

Title attributes are a great way to add meaningful information about the images. Use it. Ex:- Title="Yellow cat sitting on the wall." P.S - Don’t forget the image search traffic.

Place the image within ample text

So that, engines can crawl the text and make out what the image is about, if at all the ALT tags, filenames and TITLE attributes aren’t available.

Do not use the same ALT tags for two or more images on the same page

Do not use the same TITLE attributes

..for two or more images on the same page/site. It appears artificial.

If possible, place the image amidst the textual content

Cleverly embedded in it and not before or after it.

Name the folders with your keyword variants in place

Ex: – Instead of wp-content/uploads/DSC00123.jpg try placing it in keyword1/variant/filename.jpg

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Filed Under (SEO Quicktips) by Mani Karthik on 20-07-2008

Forget long term link building strategies, they take a long time after all. Who’d wait for so long? ;)
Here are five quick things you can do to get some cool links, the smart way!

  1. Create wallpapers of your site and submit to wallpaper directories(most of the them allow linkbacks)
    Do a google search and find out the list of sites. Example.

  2. Write articles and submit to ezine articles (the old grandpa).
  3. Add links to blogrolls. Many of them are link exchanges, in those cases, do a three-way link exchange with your partner sites.
    Find sites that accept linkbacks by googling them down. Example.
  4. Guest blog at various blogs.
    Most them offer links to author sites.
    Find them out by doing a similar search.
  5. Submit ringtones to sites and get links back to your site.
    Find the sites here with a similar search.

P.S - Here on, there will be quick articles on DailySEOblog (like this), that will feature small, power packed, capsule information on SEO. No blabbering, no frills, just pure gyan. Hope you’ll like it. They’ll be called “SEO Quick Tips” and you can subscribe to themhere.

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Filed Under (Blogging, SEO Quicktips) by Mani Karthik on 31-07-2007

Google penalizes blogs and sites for a number of reasons. John Chow is the recent victim. He was taken off the google index recently for doing something that violated Google webmaster guidelines.

John had been running his “Link to me - to get linked back” scheme, whereby if you write a small review on his blog and link to him with the anchor text,”Make money online”, he would link back to you. Many bloggers linked to him and got linked back from John.

Now that John Chow is kicked out of Google Index, what does it mean to other bloggers who have linked to him?

Google says it clearly in it’s guidelines that -

Don’t participate in link schemes designed to increase your site’s ranking or PageRank. In particular, avoid links to web spammers or “bad neighborhoods” on the web, as your own ranking may be affected adversely by those links.

So that means anyone who linked to John Chow is going to get the penalty this Google PR update. Yikes! Are you one of those?

Does it affect John Chow?

Nope. The man had made the blog hugely popular and enjoys a steady source of traffic.He’s even declared that banning from Google has done no detrimental effects on his income.

Does it affect you?

If you’ve linked to John, and he’s linked back - well yes may be. Only this Google PR update will tell you.

So what are the things that I shouldn’t do to get a bad reputation with Google?

Yeah, the guidelines are a bit boring to read through. so let’s me list out the most overlooked things by most of the people.

  1. Choose a good server that has no downtime - Google does not like servers that has frequent downtimes. Worse - when the Google bots visit your site, if your server is down, they flag you red!
  2. Don’t do those black hat SEO stuff like keyword stemming, cloaking, doorway pages etc.
  3. Don’t use a hosting that has a shared IP of a banned user on Google - Google may think you’re friends?
  4. Too much similar anchor text linking to you - Google guesses it out that you’ve done something artificial to get those links, hence banned.
  5. Stupid link building campaigns - Like John’s stay away from them. They are temporary.

Since the Google PR update is nearing, make sure that your blog is safe of these troubles. Remember, no matter how huge or popular you are - if you are not white hat and genuine - Google is going to get you one day - once and for all!

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Bad Neighborhood - in SEO means a bad site that you are linking to. If google finds that you are linking to a bad site(link farm,spam sites etc), then google can penalize you and drop your page rank. Many a times, this happens as one doesn’t analyze completely the sites he is linking to.As a result google drops the page rank and it comes as a shock!
Here’s a cool online tool that will enable you to check for any bad neighborhood links on your site.

It may show some annoying results though, like for instance it shows my blog as “blog spam” as there are too many out going links. But this is OK as it’s normal for forums and blogs.

It’s a good tool if you just need to analyze a huge number of links and decide what to keep and what not. Check it out!

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Filed Under (SEO Quicktips, Search Engine Optimization) by Mani Karthik on 22-06-2007

Optimizing your blog/site can be frustrating sometimes(most of the times), because you get the results very late. But i don’t think this is an excuse for you to jump to black hat seo and lame SEO “trials”.

It’s surprising to see that even many authoritative websites have not implemented the basic SEO factors in place. This may not be intentional, but you see as an SEO, it pains to see something like this.(screenshot).
Just randomly searching i found these websites with their title real estate misused with a very general terms “welcome to”.

I’d been happy if all of these sites were personal homepages of a teenager boy or some. But unfortunately many of these are high authority websites(which is why they are on the top results!).

I strongly disagree with using lame terms such as

“Welcome to my webapge/home page” or “{{{{{Welcome to the webpage}}}}}”

I have nothing against the terms but, realizing that the title tag is a real estate for rich and optimal(not spam please..) keyword usage, this is simply stupid!

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