Filed Under (News) by Mani Karthik on 27-09-2008

Happy birthday Google !

On it’s 10th birthday, today Googleplex is all excited with it’s pet project - 10 to the 100th (10^ 100).

Where Google is asking you and me, ideas on improving others lives. May the one who helps most, be the winner says - Google. Now that’s a very simple yet brilliant idea !

Google invites ideas to the following categories.

  • Community: How can we help connect people, build communities and protect unique cultures?
  • Opportunity: How can we help people better provide for themselves and their families?
  • Energy: How can we help move the world towards safe, clean, inexpensive energy?
  • Environment: How can we help promote a cleaner and more sustainable global ecosystem?
  • Health: How can we help individuals lead longer, healthier lives?
  • Education: How can we help more people get more access to better education?
  • Shelter: How can we help ensure that everyone has a safe place to live?
  • Everything else: Sometimes the best ideas don’t fit into any category at all.

If you have an idea that could make people’s lives better - submit it here :)

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  1. hApPy bIrThDaY gOoGlE :)

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  2. Mani,
    Great Idea from Google to have such an event.
    Hats off to those guys.

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  3. Happy Birthday Google! Has anyone noticed their Logo at Home Page? Its the one which they started 10 years back in 1998! Very sweet.. :)

    And this is a great initiative by Google! And good color theme Mani… better than Yellowish…! Cheers!

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  4. Going nearly doing well the things that they want to do.

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