
For every website owner, the ultimate goal would be to generate sales through whatever traffic he manages to source with several channels. Both you and me, in one form or the other is looking for converting traffic, right ?

You have a product – You find the channels – And you reach out to the target. Now, what the channels are depends on what your products are. For an AdSense driven website, the channels to source the traffic would be the search engines while for an e-commerce website, the channels might include marketing along with search engines. So, the middle part of the cycle (what channels you select) has alternatives, but the start and final destinations are pretty much common for all business types online.


So how do you convert all of your search engine traffic to buyers ? Or is it really possible ?

Well, converting everything into sales may sound too good to be true but we can reap a large part of it with ease* (conditions apply!).

An ideal situation would be – being able to convert atleast 50-60% of your search engine traffic to clients / buyers. I would leave the rest 40 – 50 % for later buying ;)

So what is the magic if at all any that help some websites, even though with lesser traffic make better fortunes ? We know, its the conversion factor – but how to achieve it ?

Well, first of all, I would like to flip sides and say – before even thinking of converting “arrived” customers, why not only “welcome” converting customers – at least, whom you are sure of converting ?

Sounds like a better plan is it not ? Well, that’s the whole idea about.

Rather than chasing everyone and biting your nails off, waiting for them to convert – why not chase only the fatty ones from the crowd and give them the “slimming gel” ?

Let’s call it “Selective Hunt”.

The whole idea is that -

  1. You don’t chase anyone and everyone to your channels.
  2. You pick and choose the features of your targets, find the match and fish them out.
  3. You filter out the weeds from your traffic.
  4. You customize your products to ensure a perfect match with your targets needs.
  5. You ensure that there’s no delay in delivering what your target is searching for on your site.

How to ensure converting traffic ?

1. Use effective Keyword research to find out what people are searching related to your product.
Keyword research shouldn’t end with picking up the most searched keywords on Google. Find the keywords that are best related to your product category and find the easy to compete ones for a start.

2. Find out what competition is offering, do a comparison study with your products.
Just do a Google search on the search phrase you are going to target, find out what others are competing for. Would there be space for you to break in ?

3. Find out how easy is it to find your competitors product. Find a shorter way for you.
There is no meaning in competing with an age old competitor, at least for a start. Its easier to make an impression with search engines with a new niche. From there on you can always grow towards the main product.

The three steps would ensure that whatever traffic you are sourcing falls into the “Warm clients” or the “Potential Clients” bracket. It would be a lot easier to convince them to buying a product rather than one who has no idea or clue about what your product is or why he needs it.

All the best.

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  1. Nice article…

    I agree that good keyword research and an understanding of your products and your current search trends is really important from both an search & SEO standpoint.

    Thanks for the tips!

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  2. Your article is on point! I always tell my clients about the importance of finding the trends of their customers that are not currently being satisfied by doing extensive keyword research.

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  3. Very good article Mani. As you mentined age old competitor is the main rival. outperforming them is the difficult task ahead

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  4. Good article Mani. I like the idea of finding a shorter way than client’s products

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  5. Well said Mani.All three points are well said.Keep it up the good work

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  6. This is another juicy article from you! You’ve just cited critical points here. Thanks.

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  7. its totally truth although completely understanding of product is really such a important thing. nice, Keep it up.

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