
This is basic SEO stuff, but thought i’ll mention it here, cos i see “SEO”s on certain forums claim doing it the wrong way.

Getting indexed in Google is one of the basic steps to your SEO jeourney.
But why Google? Why not Yahoo and MSN?

- Yahoo doesn’t award page ranks.
- Yahoo is not Google.

Okay silly reasons there, but i know you’ll agree with me that getting your blog/site optimised with Google is what all of us are working at day and night.
And when you have a new site, is it really possible to get indexed by Google in 24-48 hours? Yes possible.

Getting indexed by Google means basically getting into their directory - introducing your site to Google by that one first hand shake.

You may already be knowing that adding your url to Google is the easiest way to do it. Google recommends it too and then who challenges?Google gives you the option of submitting your url to it, so that the next day you can get listed on it’s search for a particular term(keyword).

Well, this isn’t actually the best way to do it.Sure it’s one of the easiest ways. To submit your url and wait for Google ti index it but not necessarily the BEST one.

As google says - there is no guarantee the submission will be done in this method. My idea is that if you are a wise SEO, then you don’t go for guaranteeless options/services. There are many such services ironically. But being smart is to get around these and find the smart way through.So my recommendation is NEVER add your url to Google by submitting your site.

Why? Think of it this way.When you meet someone, is it better that your common friend introduces you to him or you beg for his attention?

Definitely the first one right? If you have a common friend, he’ll introduce you to the person - because your friend is his friend and there is the trust factor that comes in.

Similarly, to get introduced to Google, don’t beg for it’s attention(by submitting your url and waiting for a guaranteeless possibility) but ask your friend who knows google well to introduce you to it. In simple words - Get a link from already indexed site to yours. And i guarantee Quality indexing!

Here are the advantages of Quality Indexing.
- You will get indexed to googles directory as it will follow to your site/blog from the link - this is weighed more.
- You get automatically linked once when a google robot follows the link - no desperate wait.
- Guarantee results in less time.

How to get incoming links to a new site/blog

Remember for a new website, getting a link from a PR2 or PR3 site wouldn’t be a problem.Just ask someone.Write an email,shout on forums etc.It may sound a bit awkward, but remember - only a crying baby get’s the milk.

I recall that my first link to this blog was from Lyzazel’s blog. Today his blog is at PR2 while i’m at PR4.So today i’m linking back to him(Lyzazel) and i’m grateful to him.(See blogroll)

If you are unlucky just join the list of those forums that help you add a signature link to your profile.(http://www.forums.digitalpoint.com, http://indian-webmasters.com)

Another way is to buy links - this is the expensive way so it’s upto you to take up.You may buy incoming links from www.linkbrokers.com or www.text-link-ads.com or www.linkadage.com.

But make sure that you don’t submit your url to google, as it will not give you this advantage of more PR. Sure it will get you indexed in 3-4 days but for the next google update, if google finds that it’s “friend” introduced you to it (through a link) - then you are likely to get a higher PR.

Related SEO Tips and Articles:

  1. Thanks its help me alot.www.gobananas.in

    [Reply to this comment]

  2. Thanks I think I do what you recommended I launched an online learning center for ielts and keep my fingers crossed.

    [Reply to this comment]

  3. thanks I think i’ll do as you said

    [Reply to this comment]

  4. Hi there
    Thanks for the advise. I have been trying for a while now to get my site indexed,but no luck yet. Hope this will work.
    Keep up the good work.

    [Reply to this comment]

    Mani KarthikNo Gravatar Replied:

    I’m sure this will work Karin.

    Do keep me posted.


    [Reply to this comment]

  5. Hi Mani,
    This was a very useful information for me. Thanks for posting such useful informations for beginners and the ongoing SEOs. Hope to here from you lot


    [Reply to this comment]

  6. Hi Mani
    nice information. easy to follow.

    saleel’s last blog post..Sensex hits 900 more points

    [Reply to this comment]

  7. nice article. Thanx Mani.

    [Reply to this comment]

  8. Excellent advice Mani, thanks!

    [Reply to this comment]

  9. Thank you for the good advice on SEO.

    [Reply to this comment]

  10. hi ,good work

    [Reply to this comment]

  11. good article. well done and thank a lot.

    [Reply to this comment]

  12. Great advice! Thanks for the help.

    [Reply to this comment]

  13. Hi Mani

    i created an ipl highlights blog on blogspot and linked to it from my Cricket Blog (via blogroll and a blog post) though my cricket blog has PR 4, my ipl highlights blog has not been indexed completely by Google??

    site search returns 0 results

    has my blog been sandboxed??

    pls help me



    [Reply to this comment]

    Mani KarthikNo Gravatar Replied:

    Maverick, which is the PR4 cricket blog? I have a few questions for it before I decide why it is not indexing. Well, if you are ready for 30 bucks, I;d suggest you buy out an ad from a well crawled authority site. PR isn’t everything sometimes you know.

    [Reply to this comment]

  14. hi mani

    i have a cricket blog with PR4 - (site a), i create a new blog - (site b) and link to it from site a, but still only 1 page of site b was crawled by google & the site search returns 0 results for site b,

    now you are telling me that the backlink from site a which had a PR of 4 will not help site b to get fully indexed?

    [Reply to this comment]

    Mani KarthikNo Gravatar Replied:

    Yes. Site a having a PR4 does not mean everything. There are other factors too that goes into it. If you’d let me know the URL of site A, I can probably give you a better answer.

    [Reply to this comment]

  15. I didn’t have a problem getting my new site indexed even though I submitted my site to Google…. trying to get a good SERPS is a different story though… new site impatience is setting in!!

    [Reply to this comment]

  16. thanks for the information……….
    a good starter ……………

    [Reply to this comment]

  17. My blog was getting indexed virtually every time I wrote a post. It was set up in March. Then, since April 30, Google suddenly decided to stop indexing my posts. Is there any obvious reason you can think of why this happened? I tried contacting Google and am still waiting for an answer.

    [Reply to this comment]

  18. Michael, I may have to dig more into your site to find that out. I hope you checked the google webmasters tools for your indexing frequency. If it says no indexing since April 30, there must be something interesting. Did you do any changes to the site structure since April 30?

    [Reply to this comment]

  19. Great tips! I’m going to subscribe to your feed.

    [Reply to this comment]

  20. thanks for he tips.. im also trying some other seo tips on how to get my gossip blog indexed..

    [Reply to this comment]

  21. Nice article. I like that your blog contains a lot of good content and useful information. Though, I question, does exchanging links with blogs with a lower PR than your blog decrease your blog’s PR?

    Thanks In Advance.

    Wishing Success 4 U,
    Chris, Top Performer with Mentors 4 U.

    [Reply to this comment]

  22. thanks for the info mate. this seo stuff is a mine field.

    [Reply to this comment]

  23. Great information. I am new with SEO and I am following your tips.

    [Reply to this comment]

  24. I believe submitting sitemap in webmaster central also expedite the indexing of new pages.


    [Reply to this comment]

  25. Great info.. I found this blog by chance.. Really you are giving out cool tips.. And I might need your help..later

    [Reply to this comment]

  26. I’m currently using some of these tips on my new blog!

    Any suggestions for mine specifically? If you don’t have time its fine. Thanks a bunch and GREAT work on your articles!


    [Reply to this comment]

  27. Thanks for the nice tips dude!!

    [Reply to this comment]

  28. Hi Mani

    In your post you mentioned “In simple words - Get a link from already indexed site to yours.” If somehow I could get a link from already indexed sites, where would I put their links? I’m using blogger platform by the way..
    Sorry, I’m really new to this. Backlinks and links exchange really confuses me until now because I just don’t know where to put it in my blogger.
    Hoping for your reply Mani

    Thanks and more power!


    [Reply to this comment]

    Mani KarthikNo Gravatar Replied:

    Bobby, you needn’t put their link on your site (unless your friend is keen on it) but the idea is to get a one-way link from an already indexed site. If he wants the link on your site, then put it at the regular places, sidebar etc. Doesn’t give him any advantage as your site is not indexed now.

    [Reply to this comment]

  29. Hi Mani, thank you for the quick response :)

    I’m sorry but what do you mean by “one-way link”?
    Do you mean by getting a link from already indexed site is to ask them to put my URL to their blog and not their URL to my blog?

    Thanks again Mani

    [Reply to this comment]

  30. Exactly Bobby. You got it.

    [Reply to this comment]

  31. Thank you very much Mani!

    You just made a stupid blogger like me less stupid :)

    Now I’m learning little by little one at a time

    Once again thank you

    [Reply to this comment]

  32. I got the incoming link from LyZazel website but still my website is not indexed in google.Please help me out.

    Thanks in Advance.

    [Reply to this comment]

  33. very useful!!

    hope meeting u at blog camp


    [Reply to this comment]

  34. Mani, Not getting this Site ” http://indian-webmasters.com “, is the URl is Correct ?.

    [Reply to this comment]

  35. Nice tips and thanks a lot..

    [Reply to this comment]

  36. nice tips and my doubts i asked u in the blog camp is cleared fully.

    [Reply to this comment]

  37. Thanks a lot for the information! Our site, Postcard Planet has really taken off in ranking since we’ve applied some of these methods! From 27 mil to 4.1 mil in less than a month!

    [Reply to this comment]

    Mani KarthikNo Gravatar Replied:

    Am glad it helped you Scott. All the best.

    [Reply to this comment]

  38. Myself and a few others have been playing around with the effect of inclusion (embedding) of video in blog postings and have had some pretty remarkable results, including the ability to get a blog which is brand new to be indexed and to rank in a matter of hours. One of the experiments is outlined here:


    [Reply to this comment]

  39. Another Trick, 100% legal and Very Effective.
    Create an account in Addons.Mozilla (http://addons.mozilla.org), edit profile, Fill the Website field.

    Download/Use any of the popular Addon, Submit your Review.

    :) :)

    [Reply to this comment]

    Mani KarthikNo Gravatar Replied:

    You got it Anish, in fact you can even try it with any popular social bookmarking tools like delicious or a front page digg :-p

    [Reply to this comment]

  40. Mixx, Stumbleupon, Reddit are Other good Options.

    [Reply to this comment]

  41. what do you do when you’ve submiited for google already?

    [Reply to this comment]

  42. hey Mani, am i doing it correctly? can u help me see if im ranked?

    [Reply to this comment]

    Mani KarthikNo Gravatar Replied:

    Knox, yea there are 38 pages of your site indexed on Google already.

    [Reply to this comment]

  43. Knox,

    Search Google for the Indexed pages

    ” Site:http://knoxious.net ”

    For back Links Search Google

    ” Link:http://knoxious.net “

    [Reply to this comment]

  44. hey Mani thanks so much for checking it for me!
    this site is wonderful :D

    [Reply to this comment]

  45. Dear Mani,

    I am an SEO starter professional and I need some suggestion from you about creating Google Sitelinks.

    Please suggest me some strong and performing ways of letting Google create Sitelinks for any particular website.
    Kindly reply me at :

    [Reply to this comment]

  46. [...] How to get indexed by Google in 48 hours - Getting indexed on Google is not easy, but here’s a tip that will ensure you indexing in 48 hours or less. [...]

  47. Thanks for the tips. I am working on an emf testing website and your information is a help.

    [Reply to this comment]

  48. Very nice article.can u suggest a good seo freindly wordpress theme.it would be a great help.

    [Reply to this comment]

  49. nice articles..
    bookmarked your site..

    [Reply to this comment]

  50. [...] a mutual friend to introduce you this breaks the Ice easier and gets you on a friendly footing from the get [...]

  51. You explained a great way to get indexed. I hope it would work.

    [Reply to this comment]

  52. Thanks for your SEO article. Helped me out a lot. i have used it on my site which has been live for about 12 hours.

    [Reply to this comment]

  53. another easy way to get indexed quickly by google is, just use digg..very effective..


    [Reply to this comment]

    Mani KarthikNo Gravatar Replied:

    I won’t really recommend using Digg for this. As you’d want to be an active user on Digg, (as I’d expect every webmaster to be) I would recommend not use your account for purposes like this. It’s a bit shady.

    [Reply to this comment]

  54. Good advice, I basically used all those steps to get my blog indexed on Google, got it indexed in about 2 days, get a fair bit of traffic for my niche, don’t even bother with Yahoo or MSN, they are hopeless, I’ve been waiting for almost a month to get indexed by both, the only way my blog shows up in a search on either is by way of reference by such sites as Digg, Reddit, Bloggernity etc but really who uses them as search engines anyway? Lol

    [Reply to this comment]

  55. Mani,
    I think I have not cried yet, thats why my backlinks are poor. Will start doing that soon.

    BTW, I didnt had a single backlink when I got indexed. I had a sitemap ready, and the Google sitemap plugin submits it to Google, right.?

    I am crying to the Blogoshphere now. :( pls give me some backlinks……………


    [Reply to this comment]

  56. Thanks for the advice now i am ready with this to sumit my site.

    [Reply to this comment]

  57. Thanks very much!

    Im loving reading through your blogs!

    Keep up the good work!

    [Reply to this comment]