Bringing in exclusivity and uniqueness to your blog is probably one of the simplest yet effective method to delight your readers. As you know, surprises are so yesterday, one should be able to delight the visitor to get an instant access to his “recall quotient”.

Which is the reason why you will remember John Cow for his mast head, and Yaro for his curly long hair. (Dunno if they were deliberate though.)

Anyhow, successful bloggers have made it a point to bring in exclusivity and uniqueness as one of their best selling points. Be it in design or content, customer delight is a sure-shot winner !

Today, we have a plugin that will help your blog get that “delight factor” with a cool plugin called “Referrer Detector”.

This is what it does.

It helps you detect each visitor by URL, identify the source and let you welcome them with custom messages on your blog.

There’s been quite a lot of plugins that does this, for instance the “What would Seth Godin do” plugin which detects each referrer from the social media based on their channel/url and displays a welcome message for each.

This plugin is similar but it goes a bit advanced and allows you to feed any number of URLs with which you want to identify the user.

For instance, if you want to welcome a referrer from “” (assuming that one of your posts got featured by Darren), then you can save the URL and ask the plugin to detect and welcome each referrer from Problogger with a custom message.

You can also set a custom image/icon for that URL. (That’s cool, is it not ?)

Here are some of the screenshots from the plugins settings.

referrer-detector And some of the welcome messages set.

referrer-detector-1 So, essentially this is a wonderful plugin that if configured cleverly can give you excellent results and most importantly a great user experience !

Download Referrer Detector here.

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  1. Let me try my bit of luck with this plug-in. I will have to add Hello DSB Reader too.. Thanks

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  2. It also encourage visitor to comment on your blog and make it more interactive. Then they would likely to visit it again and could add to your daily visitor statistics.

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  3. Now this is very cool. I love customizable and this seems more so then any other so far; thanks!

    Did you create this?

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  4. Good PR is good PR, and in this online popularity contest the little touches are the ones that make your offering stand out.

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  5. Useful plugin. I’ll be using it myself too.

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