Filed Under (News, Wordpress SEO) by Mani Karthik on 11-12-2008

Wow ! That was my first reaction to it, an I’m sure you’d agree. Wordpress 2.7 comes with all the jazz it promised. A totally “cool” interface with some power features that will make life easier on Wordpress. (Well, it also means some quality time to get adjusted !)

The new version is named after John Coltrane.

DSB-New-WP-1 The dashboard is all new, grey with sharp borders and all that. The menu is completely re arranged, so it might take some time to find out where’s your favorite buttons. Or may be they aren’t there at all.

There’s a Quick Press box in the dashboard that it helps you make “quick blogging”, an attempt to bridge the micro blogging – Wordpress gap may be.

I’m still to find out what’s happening around !!

Download the Wordpress 2.7 Coltrane version from here.

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  1. It is really wow…
    Lol.Did i already get a sneak peak at whts gonna come at daily seo blog..The recent draft column looks pretty exhaustive.looking forward to it:-)

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    Mani KarthikNo Gravatar Replied:

    Ankit, I guess you missed the dates on those drafts! :D

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  2. I must admit that the new version was very stylish. Is this version out of Beta already?


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  3. upgraded, and enjoying every bit of it :0

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  4. Upgraded the first of my sites last night to make sure nothing “broke” .. first thing I noticed was the admin extended plugin features are built in and the ajax interface makes for quick editing. I installed the google gears too .. I will be updating all my sites today. Looks like a great version.

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  5. Mani Karthik, did u know the most easy way to upgrade?
    can tell and help.

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    Mani KarthikNo Gravatar Replied:

    Hi Dev, Try the “Wordpress Automatic Upgrade” plugin by Keith Dsouza. It helps you upgrade WP right frolm your dashboard. After you’ve upgraded to 2.7, upgrading to further versions wont be a problem at all as 2.7 has integrated automatic upgrade to it.

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  6. They have still refused to fix or even implement an alternate setting for the tools section. Scrolling all of the options down the right hand side of the screen while having a scroll bar on the left in a standard layout is one of the stupidest design choices they could make. I am tired of hearing get a scroll wheel mouse from the wordpress people. They are sounding less like wordpress and more like microsoft who always blames their inadequacies on hardware rather than accept their own flawed designs with any sort of grace.

    After more than six weeks of me beta testing WP 2.7 this is still the one thing they have not fixed that I would like to see done.

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  7. [...] Wordpress 2.7 “Coltrane” available now [...]

  8. I like the interface, but Google sitemaps no longer works. I think the new version is too memory hungry - sitemaps runs up against the 16 M PHP-memory limit my provider has set, and there is nothing I can do.

    Extremely annoying, to say the least.

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    Mani KarthikNo Gravatar Replied:

    You should be using the Google Sitemapg generator plugin from Arne. Are you already ?

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