Filed Under (Social Media) by Mani Karthik on 11-05-2007

I’ve got this domain name - Cute one isn’t it?

I think it’s a pretty one - it could be used for any monetization/money making/blogging related…well blogs!

I’m gonnna give it out to one among you.

Why do you need this domain?

  • Premium domain, easy to remember.
  • If you are still on blogspot/wordpress and is looking for migrating to a independent domain, this is an excellent choice for you.
  • You don’t have to pay anyone. It comes as a gift.

All you got to do is review the Dailydose blog.

Why should you review?

  • You’ve been running out of topics to blog and here is a life saver!
  • If you are a writer and is good at looking at things from different perspective, here’s a chance to prove.
  • You end up in a golden-chance to get a cool domain under your hat.

The best review will get the domain. Simple as that. Any takers?

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Filed Under (Uncategorized) by Mani Karthik on 07-05-2007

Adgridwork is a new traffic building program/ advertising network / link exchange program - Yes, all rolled into one. And it’s a good alternative to AdSense if you’ve been banned from it.

It’s a new way of advertising without any fees - totally free for publishers as well as advertisers. If you have a blog/website, you can register at Adgridnetwork and get you started in minutes. The whole registration process and the user experience is very clean and excellent! No clutter at all. give your email id and it almost instantaneously gets you registered(no verification email ..ummm!)

After registration just submit your website, select the ad size you want to display, frame your ad-copy and submit the site. Paste the HTML code provided on your website and you will get ads almost instantaneously. One interesting feature is that, though it is a contextual ad network, since you may want to run it along with the AdSense ads on your page, it allows you to turn off the contextual nature of it. So you are safe with the AdSense TOS. Happy?

The whole business model is simple - you submit your ads and publish others ads and they reciprocate the same. You can choose if the ads on your site need be contextual or not. It’s more like link exchange.


  • It’s completely FREE.
  • When you have others displaying your ads, there is good chance of increasing traffic.
  • Others link to you therefore there is a chance for Search Engine ranking favor here.
  • Free statistics for your blog.

Apart from all these i found that the whole experience using this website and service is very much 2.0 and kudos to them. Check them out if you have time - bookmark them you may want it when you are banned from AdSense.

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Filed Under (Search Engine Optimization) by Mani Karthik on 23-04-2007

Sorry a bit of repetition here!

According to Google, back links are votes given by other sites to you.

According to me, in the SEO process, getting these votes is the best SEO practice known so far.

One question that nags everyone is - How to get back links?

The answer is simple - Think about how to improve the contents on your site rather than torture your head thinking of links.
Because, once you have great content on your site, then it’s basic human psychology that people want to get associated with it - so they link.

- The above piece of information can be found on almost all SEO related websites and I’m sure is nothing new to you.

Now what decides what’s a great content? Or what content will attract more links? Here are a few tips from my experience.

  • Be Innovative

    Let it be such that the readers will think - “Damn! Why didn’t i think of it earlier?”

    Which means that the content should be simple and related to the topics everyone knows, but in a way that they would’ve never thought of. It’s not easy to think of something like that every other day.But if you can manage to squeeze in at least a few every week, that should do the trick.
    Some famous examples would be - When john Chow released the Link bait posts.

  • Be the first to report.

    This one’s easier if you are a techie and watch blogs/news sites closely. All you have to do is report a sensational news the very first time.It is very tricky - because sometimes the news is so common and popular that, when you post it, millions would have posted it on the other end. So you have to find some tweak to get the best news the first time. A very effective method is to religiously read all the news blogs by grabbing their RSS feeds on your favorite RSS News reader.

  • Review with a twist.

    Suppose there is a lovely piece of software you love using. And you thought, why not do a review on it. But you have seen 143 reviews on various blogs on the same software.

    So what do you do? Collect data from all those blogs and see what are the common points in them, then since you are very familiar with the software, it’s more likely that you’ll find something all of them have missed. Trust me, I’ve had similar experiences.

  • Write the content with user participation

    It wouldn’t make any sense if you just write excellent articles explaining about the technical wizardry you have or the super piece of code you developed, if a reader does not enjoy it. It’s more like watching TV - you prefer a reality show to a News channel(at least many of us). So write articles that will participate users, or at least strike their thinking pattern and provoke them to write about it on their blog. It works if you hit the right note!

More ideas will continue the next week.. :)

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Setting up a wordpress blog from your old blogger account is easy. But in order to get you good traffic and search engine results, it’s essential to do some SEO on it by tweaking it a bit. Once the SEO tweaking is done, wordpress is an excellent tool that will help you to the top on the SERP’s.All you have to worry about is writing good content and striking a good keyword density on the articles. Here’s a video tutorial by Garry Egan on some basic SEO tweaking on your wordpress blog.

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Filed Under (Search Engine Optimization) by Mani Karthik on 16-04-2007

Google Sitemaps is an excellent way to submit your site to Google. If you are not sure of what a site map is -

Sitemaps are an easy way for webmasters to inform search engines about pages on their sites that are available for crawling. In its simplest form, a Sitemap is an XML file that lists URLs for a site along with additional metadata about each URL (when it was last updated, how often it usually changes, and how important it is, relative to other URLs in the site) so that search engines can more intelligently crawl the site.

See here to see what are the data stored in a sitemap and why.
Google provides the option to tell it through the robots.txt file asto where the sitemap file is located.

Just add this into the robots.txt file with the link to your sitemap file -


You can submit sitemaps(in xml format) in the Google Webmaster’s Tools but in case you are worried how to make one, here’s a quicky!

Goto XML-Sitemaps and submit your site url, give in the settings(updated hourly,monthly etc) and allow it to make a sitemap. It may take some time but it’ll also show how many files are processed and how many are yet to. A maximum of 500 files will be taken care of - not more(T’was free remember?)

You can get the sitemap done in ROR Format,Text,Compressed XML Format,Uncompressed XML format, or even HTML format(for site use).

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