Filed Under (Tools, Wordpress SEO) by Mani Karthik on 04-01-2009

Here is a nice list I found the other day. W-Shadow has put up a top 10 list of the best Wordpress plugin developers of 2008, based on plugin popularity and number of plugins developed. I think it’s a very apt and true list. Check out the plugins from these authors, they’re all cool.

  1. Michael Torbert
    961 306 downloads. Co-author of All In One SEO Pack (originally created by Uberdose).
  2. Matt Mullenweg
    921 827 downloads. Everybody knows Matt, the main WP dev and author of Akismet.
  3. Lester ‘GaMerZ’ Chan
    775 220 downloads. Author of WP-Polls and other cool plugins.
  4. Arne Brachhold
    628 350 downloads. Author of Google XML Sitemaps, etc.
  5. Andy Skelton
    449 345 downloads. Author of WordPress.com Stats. Another dedicated hacker.
  6. Alex Rabe
    429 705 downloads. Author of NextGEN Gallery, etc.
  7. Oliver Seidel
    361 918 downloads. Author of cforms II.
  8. Joost de Valk
    328 036 downloads. Author of Sociable, Google Analytics for WP and numerous other tools.
  9. Donncha O Caoimh
    246 752 downloads. Author of WP Super Cache and other assorted plugins.
  10. Vladimir Prelovac
    244 963 downloads. Author of Smart YouTube, various SEO plugins, and more.

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  1. Excellent listing.

    I am using 6 out of these 10 plugins.

    Thanks to the autors who created these plugins for us.

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  2. It’s everybody’s dream for their website to be on the top rank and doing SEO is not an easy task. Thanks for the tips!

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