
Google Webmasters has gotten even better ! We have discussed earlier on how crawl rate of your site influences the SERPs. At that point, we did not have any control over how and when Google visits our site, and the only option we had is to increase the post frequency, which would automatically attract more visits and crawling from Google.

Today Google Webmasters have given us better options to control crawling frequency.

Go to Dashboard > Settings and along with the other preferences, you can see an option for “custom crawl rate” opting for which will bring up a slidebar.
You can slide the marker on the slidebar to increase/decreate the crawl rate of your site.


While I think that better crawling rates are good, if you don’t have enough content coming up to match with the set crawl rate, it does not make any sense to increase the crawl rate. So this is essentially a tool that’s going to help you with better indexing, if there are server problems that are stopping the search engine bots from indexing the pages.

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  1. Mani,

    I had believed that a faster crawl rate is always the best. But does this mean that if you dont have new content each time the bot comes, its bad on the SERP’s and rankings..?

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  2. We’ve had some interesting experiences where it took weeks for Google to trawl new websites, although there were planty of good links, etc pointing to them. This would’ve definitely helped, by the look of things.

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    Mani KarthikNo Gravatar Replied:

    Indeed yea. We all know now that there’s no magic but hard work.

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  3. Will this actually help, as the rate must be decided by google itself and by watching the importance of the pages on google SERP.

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