Filed Under (News) by Mani Karthik on 25-08-2008

  1. Interesting & Creative uses of Google Custom Search
    The Google team has a snap shot of all the “creative uses” of Google Custom Search listed.
  2. Google News is now available in Tamil
    Google news is spreading out to more regional languages, Tamil is the new and latest addition.
  3. Information on running many sites on AdSense and dealing with Google TOS
    Google team has detailed info on how to manage and report with your AdSense account when you are running it on many websites.
  4. More information on malware/badware infection from Google
    The number os sites shown as malware infected is coming down and Google has the reasons
  5. MyBlog Log similar posts widget for Wordpress released
    A great plugin for wordpress based on your community users interest and tags that shows related posts form around the users blogs.
  6. How to change Wordpress Admin user name ?
    I bet you didn’t know this.

Related SEO Tips and Articles:

  1. hi, how to count my outbound click stats with onclick in Google Analytics.. I have seen that you have implemented that in code.

    Do you have any document? Can you share it with me?

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  2. Great round up and the last question - I had implemented ages back :-) and yea.. editing MySql Db via phpMyAdmin!


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  3. Vinay, your’e a star !

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